» Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:50 pm
To further clarify my long-past YES vote in the poll: I agree that the weight system is unrealistic as-is. Nobody's going to be carrying multiple sets of armor around with them as loot. Not because they're too heavy - even full plate armor was not all that heavy until the very end when they tried beefing up the briastplate enough to make it bulletproof - but because it's too bulky. A person could easily walk around with 150 pounds of gear on them in the form of armor - soldiers do this all the time, and manage to run and fight in it - but what they would find awkward is carrying a big sack of 150 pounds of loot on their back while trying to fight. This is the sort of thing I could see being better modeled in the future. For one thing, too much of the wealth in the game is tied up in the form of weapons and armor. While that may well reflect the reality of medieval Earth - most of a knight's wealth would be his land and home, with his armor, weapons and horse representing most of the rest of his net worth - it isn't a good model for a fantasy game. Fantasy games reflect not so much medieval Europe as they do medieval and ancient Europe's (and other places as well) myths, legends and folklore, and one thing common in those legends are monsters and bandits and evil kings with vast hoards of gold and jewels and jewelry and such, as well as weapons and armor. Most of what you find in most dungeons, however, is simply equipment, with by far the bulk of the value being weapons and armor. Hell, I'd say it would be a good idea to have gold coins have weight, although of course they would need to make sure the prices in shops combined with money having weight didn't make it so that the 5000 gold it takes to buy a house would be impossible to carry before you bought a house. You know, "I can't buy a house until I accumulate 5000 septims, but I've already got 3983 septims, and I can't carry another ounce, so I'm screwed."
But sure, things should have bulk and whatnot. Heck, look at it this way. Back in the day, old-school FPS games let you carry like nine weapons: chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, double-barreled shotgun, rotary chaingun(!), rocket launcher, plasma gun and BFG were the eight from Doom. Then after years of that, along comes Halo, which has lots of weapons but only lets you carry two at a time. Genius, and very realistic. You realistically could only carry three or so weapons anyway: a rifle, a shotgun hanging on a strap and a pistol in a hip holster. Or maybe a sniper rifle, automatic rifle slung on your back (awkward and far more inconvenient than you would think) plus pistol. So then it would make it hard to actually try and carry ten damn weapons as loot, but that's as it should be. You might have a dagger, an axe and a sword on your belt, or maybe a dagger and a sword in scabbards and a shield on your arm, and carry all the rest in a big loot-sack. Or maybe there's this really priceless ancient dwemer vase or something, that isn't all that heavy but is a bit large and cumbersome, and you have to carry it in your hands to get it out of the dungeon. Makes a pack mule sound like a good idea, right?
Anyway, yeah, arrows definitely need to have weight. The encumbrance system needs improving, not scrapping so that people can carry two suits of dwarven armor, six full sets of leather armor and three full sets of Forsworn armor, plus five swords three axes and six daggers all at once.