should arrows have weight?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:05 am

I currently walk around with over 1100 steel arrows plus at least a 100 of elven, dwarf, and orc. I think they should take up space. But since Skyrim doesn't have a system for that, I think they should encumber you.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:28 pm

so your telling me that you've never recovered one of your arrows that stuck in the ground or in an enemy? and isn't there a perk so that you recover more of them that you shot at your enemies? sorry from my point of view your argument has isnt logical...

I recover about 20% unperked, or double w/perk. Maybe I'm not enunciating my point though. I do not have a problem with arrows availability, or the limitations of arrows. I admit the illogic of weightless arrows.

I'm denying the imbalance of said weightlessness. Unless ALL characters need to carry around lodestones to maintain effectiveness, why should just one? To maintain range archers have to deal with inventory and restocking ammo, that's fine. They should not be further, uniquely, penalized for the same benefit.

Sensibly, my armor gets damaged from use. Why did they remove repair hammers? Surely a sack of 10,000 dimes has some measurable weight as well.

It's a quality of life change, and has no negative impact on playability.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:53 pm

I'm actually glad they're weightless; I played a ton of Archers in Oblivion, and even with only about 100 arrows in my inventory I was still taking up a sizable chunk of my carrying capacity as I had no RP-valid reason to increase my Strength attribute.

Even though they are weightless I still don't carry huge numbers of them around, as it would feel silly to me to do so, however I prefer having the option to do so to not having it. If anything I would say that the weights of some Heavy armor and certain weapons could use some reducing, as they're a bit out of whack.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:25 am

I recover about 20% unperked, or double w/perk. Maybe I'm not enunciating my point though. I do not have a problem with arrows availability, or the limitations of arrows. I admit the illogic of weightless arrows.

I'm denying the imbalance of said weightlessness. Unless ALL characters need to carry around lodestones to maintain effectiveness, why should just one? To maintain range archers have to deal with inventory and restocking ammo, that's fine. They should not be further, uniquely, penalized for the same benefit.

Sensibly, my armor gets damaged from use. Why did they remove repair hammers? Surely a sack of 10,000 dimes has some measurable weight as well.

It's a quality of life change, and has no negative impact on playability.

You choose to roleplay as an archer.
With that choice come many delights.
And a price.

Pay the freakin' toll.

And since you can recover arrows, your point is mostly made void.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:42 pm

Many valid points given here, i can see why they are weightless but personally id prefer that they did weight something. It is not a valid point that melee class get more carry capacity when the better the damage is (usualy) the heavier the weapon is so midgame i can't carry very much even with 300+ stamina. Armor also weight more.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:24 pm

Yes I believe so.
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My blood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:19 pm

I recover about 20% unperked, or double w/perk. Maybe I'm not enunciating my point though. I do not have a problem with arrows availability, or the limitations of arrows. I admit the illogic of weightless arrows.

I'm denying the imbalance of said weightlessness. Unless ALL characters need to carry around lodestones to maintain effectiveness, why should just one? To maintain range archers have to deal with inventory and restocking ammo, that's fine. They should not be further, uniquely, penalized for the same benefit.

Sensibly, my armor gets damaged from use. Why did they remove repair hammers? Surely a sack of 10,000 dimes has some measurable weight as well.

It's a quality of life change, and has no negative impact on playability.

and i see this imbalance because in a game about making choices and having a limited inventory space weightless arrows completely take out any tactics that would come into play when i am deciding to go exploring because i know that i will always have arrows because i can carry 500 on my back and my bow only weighs 16 units and uses light armor making it so that i can always use an arrow and never have to worry about picking up heavy things because i will always have room. my warrior who carry around 2 two-handed weapons and has heavy armor on the other hand is constricted by the weight and can not carry all of the loot out of the dungeon that the archer could.

and honestly this isnt a question of whether or not weapons should degrade as your bow would degrade the same as a sword and you wold need to carry around the proper tool to fix that witch would have weight but like ive said that is not the issue here because it was completely taken out of the game where arrows were not...
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kat no x
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 pm

0 arrow encumbrance should be a high lvl archery perk IMO.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:24 pm

I'm just glad I have it for the PC.

As soon as that Creation Kit comes out, my Skyrim will get so many mods. Arrow weight will most definitely be one of them. And I play as an archer, too.

I think 0.05 weight is reasonable for arrows. Maybe have it fluctuate a little depending on which metal is used for the arrow tip. Anyone who thinks that they should be able to carry around thousands of arrows without any encumbrance penalty is not worthy of playing Skyrim, in my opinion. Ironically, vanilla Skyrim has 0 weight for arrows. I guess that says something about the direction that this series is heading...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:42 pm

sure it's unrealistic... but I can deal with hints of unrealistic if it makes me not get mad at the game... seriously if I am carrying to much I get mad... I'm a hoarder I don't like to lose anything... especially my arrows since I'm an archer...
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:01 pm

I think they should have weight. My dad is playing an stealthy character who's main damage skill is archery. He's only around level 14 and he has well over 300 iron arrows, over 150 steel arrows, about 100 Orcish arrows, and around 60 Dwarven arrows—and those number seem to only go up. Was Bethesda flat out lying when they said they wanted to make arrows much harder to find in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? In past games of the series you'd probably end up having to drop a bunch of those arrows in favor of loot. Not in this game.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:07 am

There can be hardcoe mode where arrows have weight, and you have to eat and drink.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:26 pm

0 arrow encumbrance should be a high lvl archery perk IMO.

Actually even though I like the weightless arrows we have now, I could live with this if it were changed. It actually makes sense in relation to other perks in other trees. It would make you actually have to work for the ability to carry as many arrows as you wanted.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:38 pm

Arrows should have weight. Something like .1 or .05 each. That was you can say that another advantage of bound bow is that you get free WEIGHTLESS arrows.
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 pm

Whoops. I thought you meant Weight as in projectile physics: trajectories, range, flight speed, etc. But yeah, my answer is still "yes".
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:42 pm

I guess i'm confused. Are you concerned that other people have an advantage over you because you're not an archer?

Not at all. I do use a bow, it's just a secondary thing with me. And it isn't a case of me wanting some type I'm not playing nerfed out of jealousy. I'll probably play a real archer type at some point. It's just a case of what makes sense. I think arrows should have weight because weightless arrows is just absurd - and the only reason people want it is so that they can carry a good two thousand arrows or whatever. Everything has to have checks and balances, plus I just don't like the idea of illogical weightlessness. It's one thing to say "Skyrim has wizards that shoot flames out of their hands" because it's a fantastic setting, but it's quite another to say arrows have no weight; that has nothing to do with fantasy and everything to do with a ridiculous game mechanic.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:56 pm

This seems like another stab at the thief class, which for some reason people think is OP. :facepalm:

If arrows have weight, then coins should as well. Gold isn't light.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:49 am

For the hardcoe, arrows should have weight AND they should have quivers. You place the arrows into the quiver and then you equip the quiver, which can hold 20-40 arrows max. Otherwise, you are fumbling into your knapsack that is full of hundreds of sharp arrows.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:21 pm

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:03 am

This seems like another stab at the thief class, which for some reason people think is OP. :facepalm:

If arrows have weight, then coins should as well. Gold isn't light.

And I wouldn't object to that. Gold's a bit different in that case, since the same rule applies to everybody - gold is weightless for everybody - but archers getting the advantage of weightlessness in their arrows is just plain illogical. They modeled weight of objects in this game, so there's no reason at all to have arrows be the only real exception to that. I can understand having the things like a sheet of paper or a map be weightless - how many pieces of paper does it take to weigh a pound? But things like arrows? That's just nonsensical. It's also absurd to say archers need it since arrows can be had all over the place. I do use my bow, and I've never bought a single arrow, nor have I ever run low.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:49 pm

Yes, I'd like arrows to have weight. And so should gold coins.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:34 pm

When the CS is released you can make arrows weigh whatever you want.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:36 pm

Yes, I'd like arrows to have weight. And so should gold coins.

Which brings up an important point - pricing. How much is a suit of steel armor worth? 500 gold or somewhere in there? And how much would 500 gold coins weigh? Not to belabor the point too much, but should a suit of armor cost a king's ransom? No. A full suit of medieval plate armor, concealing every square inch from the head to the toes, was extraordinarily expensive, but that was a real peak. There were many forms of armor that could be mass-produced for the bulk of the heavy infantry and cavalry to wear.

I guess I'm saying that if gold weight were added, they would have to be careful that some sort of situation didn't develop where you had an amount of wealth that was (1) too heavy to carry around on your person yet (2) not enough to buy a house to store it in.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:44 am

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:19 pm

As I said, in the real-world...

I just had a conversation with a dragon. For playability, I say 0.01 is good, 0.02 weight max.
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