so your telling me that you've never recovered one of your arrows that stuck in the ground or in an enemy? and isn't there a perk so that you recover more of them that you shot at your enemies? sorry from my point of view your argument has isnt logical...
I recover about 20% unperked, or double w/perk. Maybe I'm not enunciating my point though. I do not have a problem with arrows availability, or the limitations of arrows. I admit the illogic of weightless arrows.
I'm denying the imbalance of said weightlessness. Unless ALL characters need to carry around lodestones to maintain effectiveness, why should just one? To maintain range archers have to deal with inventory and restocking ammo, that's fine. They should not be further, uniquely, penalized for the same benefit.
Sensibly, my armor gets damaged from use. Why did they remove repair hammers? Surely a sack of 10,000 dimes has some measurable weight as well.
It's a quality of life change, and has no negative impact on playability.