But ya ganna love the fact that mammaries are presented, though.
Well at least Argonian aren't a generic evil lizard race.
Wait...The Argonians are trees? I thought they worshiped trees...Y'know the Hist and whatnot?
It's new to me too. She may be kidding.
When were wood elves tall? In Daggerfall, you didn't really see your character, but from that 1st person view everyone seemed to be roughly the same size. In both Morrowind and Oblivion the Wood Elves were always kinda short. When Morrowind rolled around and they started giving races personalities, Wood Elves were always kinda goofy in that way. "I think you and I are about to become.. very close." Uh huh. lol.
I think he is being sarcastic. He is basically describing high fantasy elves and the transition to what Beth make of it.
Nah. I don't like elves like the high fantasy ones. Or space elves (vulcans).
I think he was talking about the cliche LotR tall wood elves.
Did LotR even have wood elves?
Well, what would be an original race? Come up with some, I'd like to hear it.
We don't need an original race, just better ones.