It's difficult, obviously. Possible? From what I understand, yes.
Bottom line: if it can be done, it ought to be done. Whether mods should be on consoles is not up for debate; arguing whether they should or should not be on consoles is about as intelligent as arguing whether fast travel, vampirism or DLC should be in the game: if you don't want it, don't use it. I'm sure there are those (like occasionally myself) who would play a game even on PC and prefer it vanilla, however few in number they are (I even consider using the tilde key cheating...on most occasions :toughninja: ). If it is possible, then yes, all gamers should be given the same game with the same opportunity; there should be no favoritism, especially since 90% of the playerbase is on consoles, according to Moreover, it's a mechanically simple matter in all things but security (that is, the legality of information sharing and the possibility of destroying your whole console if these sensitive things are done incorrectly). Again,, these things could be done on consoles with games as old as Morrowind, and therefore even the previous console generation.
I think Beth ought to do their best to bring mods to consoles :celebration: It will only strengthen their community and the love of their fans.
if mods were brought to the console officialy there would need to be some way to check compatibility with consoles and make sure that it wouldnt conflict and cause the game not to load.... and yes the big thing is security but games like Unreal Tournament 3 have mods on the PS3 (not 360 Microsoft wouldnt allow it)
It's not a question of should. Bethesda WANT mods on consoles. The problem lies with M$ and Sony agreeing to it and that is why we wont see mods on consoles in the near future if ever.
to tell you the truth it is if bethesda wants mods on consoles but MS is less likely to allow it than SONY... just look at UT3 not a verry successful game but it proved that mods can be done on consoles....
No thanks. I don't want mods on the console. I like playing the game with official updates only. I feel fake when I use mods though it can fix and make things fun. I think of mods like plastic surgery or botox. You may think it makes you better, but it makes you fake. That's just what I think though.
and that is an opinion but you have to realize that some people like playing with mods isnt only a visual thing like your anology made it out to be it has the ability to add quests dungeons and even new landmasses to the game if done right, on top of that no higher res textures could be ported over to consoles anyways because they are working with limited hardware that couldn't handle it without major lag ..... and ultimately the choice is with you whether or not you would use mods so you could play vanilla skyrim all you want and never even touch one