Should Bethesda bring mods to consoles?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:53 am

what they could do is take the best PC mods and make them free DLC on xbox/ps3

I like the way you think :vaultboy: That can solve a lot of problems...but I'm not sure that they would bring over game fixes and unofficial patches :sadvaultboy:
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:08 pm

It's not a question of should. Bethesda WANT mods on consoles. The problem lies with M$ and Sony agreeing to it and that is why we wont see mods on consoles in the near future if ever.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:25 pm

No thanks. I don't want mods on the console. I like playing the game with official updates only. I feel fake when I use mods though it can fix and make things fun. I think of mods like plastic surgery or botox. You may think it makes you better, but it makes you fake. That's just what I think though.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:11 am


I say "No" to "mods on consoles", because PC doesn't get any content (Games, DLC and so forth) ported on request from consoles even when asked politely. That's why I don't want the platform of my choice losing one of it's defining exclusive features.

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:47 pm

The OP didn't ask to specify, but alright.

I say "No" to "mods on consoles", because PC doesn't get any content (Games, DLC and so forth) ported on request from consoles even when asked politely. That's why I don't want the platform of my choice losing one of it's defining exclusive features.

Last I checked, Bethesda didn't shirk PC players off of any DLC. In fact, Morrowind was not even available on a SONY system, and Oblivion had only the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine DLC available on PS3; that system lacked all of the official plug-ins that the 360 and PC got. When I had to make the move from my 360 to PS3 (mine RROD'd :sadvaultboy: ), I was pretty bummed that I'd have no access to the Fighter's Stronghold or Mehrune's beautiful razor.

Edit: Also, PC wouldn't be "losing" anything if mods came to consoles. Someone doesn't know how to share :disguise:
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:14 pm


Limited hardware, and content controlled by console company. How well do you think Microsoft would like nudity mods on their console? I am pretty sure they have a ban on any advlt mods. So why would they allow unrestricted content?

It'd also fragment the already existing community and add next to nothing for those who are using a pc. Which is why I'd be against it. I'd rather not share limited dev resources with consoles.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:05 pm

It's difficult, obviously. Possible? From what I understand, yes.

Bottom line: if it can be done, it ought to be done. Whether mods should be on consoles is not up for debate; arguing whether they should or should not be on consoles is about as intelligent as arguing whether fast travel, vampirism or DLC should be in the game: if you don't want it, don't use it. I'm sure there are those (like occasionally myself) who would play a game even on PC and prefer it vanilla, however few in number they are (I even consider using the tilde key cheating...on most occasions :toughninja: ). If it is possible, then yes, all gamers should be given the same game with the same opportunity; there should be no favoritism, especially since 90% of the playerbase is on consoles, according to Moreover, it's a mechanically simple matter in all things but security (that is, the legality of information sharing and the possibility of destroying your whole console if these sensitive things are done incorrectly). Again,, these things could be done on consoles with games as old as Morrowind, and therefore even the previous console generation.

I think Beth ought to do their best to bring mods to consoles :celebration: It will only strengthen their community and the love of their fans.

if mods were brought to the console officialy there would need to be some way to check compatibility with consoles and make sure that it wouldnt conflict and cause the game not to load.... and yes the big thing is security but games like Unreal Tournament 3 have mods on the PS3 (not 360 Microsoft wouldnt allow it)

It's not a question of should. Bethesda WANT mods on consoles. The problem lies with M$ and Sony agreeing to it and that is why we wont see mods on consoles in the near future if ever.

to tell you the truth it is if bethesda wants mods on consoles but MS is less likely to allow it than SONY... just look at UT3 not a verry successful game but it proved that mods can be done on consoles....

No thanks. I don't want mods on the console. I like playing the game with official updates only. I feel fake when I use mods though it can fix and make things fun. I think of mods like plastic surgery or botox. You may think it makes you better, but it makes you fake. That's just what I think though.

and that is an opinion but you have to realize that some people like playing with mods isnt only a visual thing like your anology made it out to be it has the ability to add quests dungeons and even new landmasses to the game if done right, on top of that no higher res textures could be ported over to consoles anyways because they are working with limited hardware that couldn't handle it without major lag ..... and ultimately the choice is with you whether or not you would use mods so you could play vanilla skyrim all you want and never even touch one
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:49 pm

Wasn't Halo 3 and Halo: Reach restricted to Xbox? Wasn't MGS series restricted to PS3? Double standards much? You want us to share while not giving anything in return. Nope.

Those are exclusive games, and not at all examples of multiplatform games having features restricted to the smallest playerbase :facepalm:

Edit: Also, I think sharing is about caring, not about getting something in return to make up for what you lost in order to keep you on top :foodndrink:
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:13 am

Last I checked, Bethesda didn't shirk PC players off of any DLC. In fact, Morrowind was not even available on a SONY system, and Oblivion had only the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine DLC available on PS3; that system lacked all of the official plug-ins that the 360 and PC got. When I had to make the move from my 360 to PS3 (mine RROD'd :sadvaultboy: ), I was pretty bummed that I'd have no access to the Fighter's Stronghold or Mehrune's beautiful razor.

Edit: Also, PC wouldn't be "losing" anything if mods came to consoles. Someone doesn't know how to share :disguise:

As far as I know bethesda didn't do that (Let's omit favouring outdated hardware of consoles now) but others did. If Bethesda adds mods to consoles - it would create an exploitable precedent that other developers might use, which in turn will hurt PC gaming even further.

Those are exclusive games, and not at all examples of multiplatform games having features restricted to the smallest playerbase :facepalm:

Edit: Also, I think sharing is about caring, not about getting something in return to make up for what you lost in order to keep you on top :foodndrink:

Those are still restrictions.

I would also want to see some solid numbers please. Including both retail and digital methods of purchase please. Steam and the like.

Sharing is caring, sure. But after all this bias towards my platform of choice I kind of don't feel like sharing, caring and being nice.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:51 am

I thought the biggest issue here was the script extender?
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:38 pm

As far as I know bethesda didn't do that (Let's omit favouring outdated hardware of consoles now) but others did. If Bethesda adds mods to consoles - it would create an exploitable precedent that other developers might use, which in turn will hurt PC gaming even further.

Those are still restrictions.

I would also want to see some solid numbers please. Including both retail and digital methods of purchase please. Steam and the like.

Sharing is caring, sure. But after all this bias towards my platform of choice I kind of don't feel like sharing, caring and being nice.

Bethesda adding mods to consoles -> PC gaming is "hurt" (somehow[?]) is a slippery slope, which is a logical fallacy. I don't find a realistic or sensible reason as to how that could happen.

And find the numbers yourself if you'd like; I already quoted Howard as saying that 90% of the playerbase is on console, complete with link.

Edit: As for your "restrictions," those are irrelevant. Again, you've provided no examples of your claim, and instead made examples of the existence of platform-exclusive games.
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:28 pm

Todd Howard has said a lot of things. :rolleyes:
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:42 pm

to tell you the truth it is if bethesda wants mods on consoles but MS is less likely to allow it than SONY... just look at UT3 not a verry successful game but it proved that mods can be done on consoles....

Sony are the ones to make it happen then if they allow. M$ should follow suit after then or lose out big time but still can't see it happening on a large scale at least until next gens have been out for a good few years.

The idea of modding has to appeal to the majority of console players first also before it were to take off else it would be dead in the water before its began.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 pm

Deleted a bunch of posts. Stick to the topic please, keep it polite and stop yapping on about reported this and that.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:56 pm

Sony are the ones to make it happen then if they allow. M$ should follow suit after then or lose out big time but still can't see it happening on a large scale at least until next gens have been out for a good few years.

The idea of modding has to appeal to the majority of console players first also before it were to take off else it would be dead in the water before its began.

Nah, I don't think it'll die out. Imagine the advertising--telling customers that they could customize their gaming experience? All the console gamers out there who may be ignorant of mods will want to jump aboard; look at Little Big Planet's success :vaultboy: Also, I agree; MS, I think, is least likely to want that...and they'll only be hurting themselves if they deny players mods.

My sympathies are with the Xbox community if they end up being the only ones who can't mod :sadvaultboy:
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:21 am

As far as I know bethesda didn't do that (Let's omit favouring outdated hardware of consoles now) but others did. If Bethesda adds mods to consoles - it would create an exploitable precedent that other developers might use, which in turn will hurt PC gaming even further.

Those are still restrictions.

I would also want to see some solid numbers please. Including both retail and digital methods of purchase please. Steam and the like.

Sharing is caring, sure. But after all this bias towards my platform of choice I kind of don't feel like sharing, caring and being nice.

how exactly would that hurt PC gaming the fact is PC gamers know that they can make games run better due to having greater hardware resources that can be upgraded every 3-6 months (witch most of the newest tech wont be properly used by games for another 2 years) if you want a top of the line system a console if fixed hardware so they can only reach a certain plateau of Graphics/loadable Resources/AI/ECT. the fact that the game was designed to run on consoles tells us that it would be possible to mod it, once people start modding on there console and then see what is possible but hit the plateaus of what can be achived if they wish to experience a more advanced modding experience then they would have to get a PC...

seems to me like mods on consoles would be a good incentive for people to move to PC gaming while giving console owners an less than equal opportunity to do something that PC owners take for granted....
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:50 pm

how exactly would that hurt PC gaming the fact is PC gamers know that they can make games run better due to having greater hardware resources that can be upgraded every 3-6 months if you want a top of the line system a console if fixed hardware so they can only reach a certain plateau of Graphics/loadable Resources/AI/ECT. the fact that the game was designed to run on consoles tells us that it would be possible to mod it, once people start modding on there console and then see what is possible but hit the plateaus of what can be achived if they wish to experience a more advanced modding experience then they would have to get a PC...

seems to me like mods on consoles would be a good incentive for people to move to PC gaming while giving console owners an less than equal opportunity to do something that PC owners take for granted....

Exactly my point; that's what happens with logical fallacies.

And on your last note, I think it'd be a great way to promote business with both consoles and PC; people would want to get multiple platforms like this, I think :celebration: Good point. And I think I already mentioned that it'd make the community more cohesive and feel more inclusive of everyone, which is always good.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:46 pm

You cant create mods on garbage console systems.

Quit asking this stuipd question, its been answered 100 times already.

you sir compleatly missed the point of this thread.... everyone knows that it is not currently possible and some people are trying to make logical arguments on why they should be alloud on consoles... try reading a thread or two before you post...
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Austin England
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:54 pm

omitted (not going to repeat the post)

Posts like these make me sad for the community :sadvaultboy: I notice that most of the posts that aren't very nice come from users who are new to the boards, and it makes me wonder whether those users read the rules or if they are simply dummy accounts. Please don't disgrace the community like this.
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James Wilson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:11 pm

They should, but they wont and here's why.

- Microsoft wont let them. Because a lot of the mods out there completly unbalance everything, these include altering the built in scaling system and this would mess up another little console gem - achievements. Yes, steam has achievements but it's not a built-in core part of the PC experience and as such nobody really gives a toss. Bethesda likes to make use of the achievements on consoles and I can't see them getting rid of those in game in favor of mods which not everyone will even use. Also:

- Microsoft wont let them. A lot of the mods out there contain... Questionable content, we're all friends here and ,yeah, I use nudity mods and mods to allow me to... get rid of ChildSecuBot 2.0 but Microsoft isn't going to allow stuff like this to surface on the xbox 360. Noticed the lack of kids in Grand Theft Auto? Go ahead and deny it if you like but its the warm, hard, turgid truth. In addition:

- Todd Howard wont let them! He's already answered this question time and time again, I'm not gonna trawl through the dark recesses of the internet for your sakes you lazy scroats so if you're interested in what his reasons were, google away! However lets think of this from a development point of view. How much time (and disc/hard drive space) is it gonna soak up to allow people to get mods which were created on the CK on a PC for the PC edition of a game designed for the consoles on PC's back on to a console BLARGH. This issue would only become more complicated with script extenders and other [censored] mods require which would never work on a console.

- Furthermore mods can have an impact on performance and when you consider how streamlined the console editions are to maintain their 35fps despite their aging hardware the simple answer to a silly question is no, it's not gonna happen.

- The only way it could happen is to have a select few mods created specifically to work on all systems moderated by Bethesda to appear on the xbox live/PS3 equivelant marketplaces where they could be easily downloaded and installed. This would take resources on both Bethesda and Microsofts side and so they'd have to charge for the ser- WAIT A MINUTE, this all sound awfully familiar and in the end what we're left with is the compromise we already had in the first place - DLC.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:28 pm

Bethesda adding mods to consoles -> PC gaming is "hurt" (somehow[?]) is a slippery slope, which is a logical fallacy. I don't find a realistic or sensible reason as to how that could happen.

And find the numbers yourself if you'd like; I already quoted Howard as saying that 90% of the playerbase is on console, complete with link.

Edit: As for your "restrictions," those are irrelevant. Again, you've provided no examples of your claim, and instead made examples of the existence of platform-exclusive games.

Piracy somehow hurts it though. Even if some certain amount of people wouldn't have bought the game in the first place if they only had a chance to get it legally.

Exclusive features (Like the ones in question, MODS) are making people make decisions in favour of one platform or another.

Okay, if he says so. My opinion is still "No" though, 100% or 10%, I don't want my platform to lose it's exclusive feature.

Examples? Okay, just off the bat: Battlefield Bad Company 2 didn't get some of the features I was interested in. Resident Evil 5, none of the multiplayer or singleplayer DLC were ever released on PC. Dead Space 1 didn't get any DLC on PC. DS2 also didn't get the Severed singleplayer DLC. Late NFS titles don't get DLC on PC either.


Losing people supporting the platform is good? You keep saying there are literaly two and a half players on PC.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:49 pm

I thought the biggest issue here was the script extender?

Far from it. It is working with the mods and getting the mods to work and or work together that is the issue. It requires a PC to run all the mod management programs, editors, leveled list mergers, mod cleaners, conflict detectors and eliminators etc. I think it takes about 4 separate programs, if not more, to run properly work with and install mods on Oblivion and Fallout3/NV, which does not include the Script Extender.

Then, who is going to pick the mods? Who is going to guarantee that they work on your set up? Who is going to provide the technical support for the mods? Who is going to be responsible for all the borked and corrupted saves that come from trying mods out then removing them from the game?

I have said it before, those who want mods on the Console have not used many mods with these games.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:54 pm

Nah, I don't think it'll die out. Imagine the advertising--telling customers that they could customize their gaming experience? All the console gamers out there who may be ignorant of mods will want to jump aboard; look at Little Big Planet's success :vaultboy: Also, I agree; MS, I think, is least likely to want that...and they'll only be hurting themselves if they deny players mods.

My sympathies are with the Xbox community if they end up being the only ones who can't mod :sadvaultboy:

Yep LBP also, okay think its safe to say Sony are leading the console mod movement. :celebration:

Other developers have to get on board then also and make modding available to their games. Asking a TES player if they want mods on console is preaching to the choir. We should be asking if the players of FIFA (EA.. I know), Mario, HALO, Zelda and all the other console only type games out there want it.

Saying that, M$ and the likes will continue to dictate and do not have to worry about any backlash as most players are to busy warring with each other about their systems rather than looking at the big picture. :shrug:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:53 pm

You cant create mods on garbage console systems.

Quit asking this stuipd question, its been answered 100 times already.

Who is asking to create mods on the consoles? That isn't what was said.

AusGamers: You always support the mod community as well and I know that this is going to have mod tools out of the box.

Todd: For download, not in the box.

AusGamers: Right okay, yeah.

Todd: In case people look in their box and they’re like “what?”.

AusGamers: Obviously the PC community really enjoys that a lot, but have you thought about giving that level of access to the consoles?

Todd: I have yeah. I think our PC mod community is one of the things that is great about our games. We’ve always supported it and we want to continue to do it. But a lot of our audience is on the consoles so they’re not experiencing that. So we have talked to Microsoft and Sony; “how do we do this?”.

The good news is that those things have started to happen with games like Forza 3 and sharing all your car stuff or Rock Band’s a really good example, where you can make your own tracks where you’re authoring them somewhere else then you’re uploading them to the 360.

There are still a lot of issues to solve with... because these aren’t instances like a song or a car you know, you could download a mod that destroys your game and we can’t have that. So we’re still... we have not solved -- even on paper yet -- how to handle security; how do we handle not messing up your saved games and things like that.

So it’s not going to be solved for the game’s release, but it’s something that we’re going to continue to look at because we think that it’s an awesome part of the game that the majority of our audience isn’t seeing.

AusGamers: Is there any opportunity going forward to actually take some of the PC mod stuff and port that to console for console players?

Todd: It actually works. If you have a devkit console you can take the PC mod files, put them on your Xbox and they work. They actually worked in Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout 3. For all of those games, I can take the PC mods and put them on my Xbox. We have one system so we just need to figure out the logistics of: How do we get it there? How do we secure it? How do we make it safe? It’s something that we would really like to do.

AusGamers: Well that’s tantalising and pretty cool for the console players out there.

Todd: Yeah, it’d be awesome. Here’s this awesome thing and we’re not doing it right now. What do you think of that answer? [laughs]

AusGamers: Sticking with the mod community for a quick second. Is there anything that you guys added to Skyrim that was taken from Oblivion mods or even Fallout 3 mods that just seemed to work that you guys maybe hadn’t thought of before?

Todd: There’s a bunch, in terms of... it’s nice when they’re creating so many things and then they’re voting so you can see what’s popular. We do look at a lot of the popular ones to see how they change the game balance because that’s fairly easy to do. Sometimes they’re adding dungeons and adventures, so we take less from that, it’s more about how do they change health/damage ratios or this, that and the other.

Apparently it isn't a stupid question, and platform bashing isn't allowed here.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:24 pm

If anything mods will be prepacked and purchasable through store.
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