I guess with the release of the game, the "mods on consoles" has gone bi-monthly...
... couple of musings... reiterated from the countless other threads...
Mods will work just fine on a console. Very specific mods are not going to work, such has high-res textures mods, or mods which require 3rd party scripting help, for obvious reasons, but, if you can add Shivering Isles to Oblivion on a console, if you can add DLC, you can add mods. Period.
"Oh, the best mods use FOSE"... hmmm.. what mods are "best", that's personal opinion. 1000's of downloads make the mod popular, but not essential to have. I have a gazillion mods for Oblivion, Fallout, NV, some that work in all 3

, that I make myself, which I feel make my game experience better, none of them needs FOSE.
"Oh, you need FOMM to manage your mods". No, you don't. Again, I have a gazillion mods for Ob-FO-NV, never used a mod manager.
Other than Sony and MS saying yes, there'd be some technical issues to adding user-made mods to consoles. I don't own a console, but I'd imagine one of the issues would be the PC-console tansport method; the mod cannot be created on the console, it has to be created on a PC, then transported and installed onto the console. That's going to be make testing mods a pain. It'd also needs to be a mechanism for deleting the mod if wanted. On a PC, I can go the the directory and delete the files; I don't know if the console hard drive can be accessed by the user.
And obviously the "console community" is going to have to learn to mod, since I doubt many of the PC modders are going to go through the trouble of modding for consoles...
Last thing, about the percentage of PC vs console players:
hardly doubt that PC players only constitute 10% of TES players. Why? It costs Bethesda lots of money to port the game to PC. From a business perspective, it wouldn't make much sense to maintain a product for such a small number of customers considering the cradle-to-grave costs associated with developing and maintaining software.
Quick edit to add: the original thread had a poll, and that poll was missing the 'I don't care" option.