ok some leftover Q's from the last thread
That kinda svcks, it would be fun to mess with minor tweaks and settings. Let me ask you something about modding(real modding). If someone wanted to and had the time can they mod a game to point that it be considers as dlc, that it would be that good. Make new enemy's, change the setting, design new weapons or spells etc, is this possible with the right tools and the right people.
possible if the right people put the alot time into modding skyrim on the ps3/360 they could make it a completely different game... dev time would be a little loger than it would to create new enemys/weapons/balancing on a PC the only difference maybe(we dont know yet as the CK has not been released) would be that you would have to change some scripts to load off the HDD instead of the disk...
its all about the time people put into it as long as it is like previous console releses then it would in theory be easily moddable by adding the moddified game to the games resources ....
it may require some small rescripting but according to the bethesda mods are pretty much all drag and drop from the creation kit from what they had found (script extendor is one of them but that could probably be ratified if the coding was right, if it was officialy supported there would be a way to cook them that way in the CK but sadly there probably wont be one) but full conversion mods are still possible and adding whole new things to the game are still perfectly possible...
I have no objections to it; but I don't play on console so it's not going to affect me in any way other than perhaps seeing a flood of posts in the mod section from console players needing help installing mods (especially ones that require a script extender and probably won't work on consoles anyway).
consoles would probably get their own subforums but people would still flood the PC side with massive ammounts of questions....
its sad to say but most people dont care where they post things and so forums will always be cluttered like that especialy big ones...
and yes script extender woulnt work on consoles but it may be able to be recoded to work on consoles but it would require some illegal actions in the eyes of sony and maybe bethesda...
and like said in this continuation thread by one of the mods in that funny little annalogy consoles can only juggle so many balls and the manufacturer has control of that the (the ps3 would actualy out perfrom the x360 in this matter) limiting what kind of mods could be ran....
however i will inform you all that it is right now impossible to legally mod skyrim on the ps3/360...
that however could be fixed by bethesda if they were to add an official mod mannager to the game but it would still be limited....
this post is not an endorsemant of hacking PS3s/X360s it is merely information that should be out there and some of it has been confirmed by devs in interviews...