» Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:35 pm
I wouldn't really object to the presence of romance options in the game, provided it's done well, I suppose it would add a few more role-playing possibilities to the game, and would allow player characters to become seriously involved with NPCs, however, it's not high on my list of priorities for the game. If it were included, it would need to be completely optional, and the romance would need to be done well, by which I mean, the interactions between the player and the romancable NPCs should be well written, and those NPCs should be good characters on their own instead of just being shallow one dimmensional characters who exist only to serve as the player's love interest, because I'm not interested in getting involved with such a character. And while I wouldn't actually object to the presence of six as long as it was done tastefully and didn't seem to only be there for the fan service, it's not really necessary, and if it's just there to help develop the relationship, just implying it, or at the most having some suggestive dialog and then having the screen fade to black before anything you wouldn't want your children to see starts showing, I don't play video games for pormography. There should also be a few different options, but not too many, certainly not every character available should be an option, seeing as the more options are available, the harder it is to do a good job on all of them. Also, you'd have to be rwquired to have actual interactions with a character to start the romance subplot, after all, bribing someone for one hundred gold and then having that person become the love of your life doesn't exactly make for compelling storytelling. For this reason, romance is probably best explored in games where you'll be spending a lot of time with a character throughout the story, such as say a party based game, in the Elder Scrolls, while you'll be interacting with some characters throughout most of the game, for most quest related NPCs, you time spent with them lasts only until you've completed whatever quests they're involved in, after that, you might never speak to them again.
Also, I'm not interested in things like marrying and having children, for that sort of thing, there's the Sims, the Elder Scrolls games are about adventuring and doing quests in a fantasy world, not raising a family, whatever romance options may or may not be present should be ones that won't get in the way of that, it would be best if the character's in question are themselves adventurers, and could accompany you on your travels, though that would also mean Bethesda needs to create decent companion AI.
Considering that Bethesda's past games haven't done a very good job in regards to the interactions between players, I'm not confident they could do romance well. Firstly, they'd have to get rid of the keyword based speech system and use actual dialog instead, after all, it's not very romantic if someone's conversation's with his lover consist of him saying things like "Latest rumors!?" "Background!?" or "Metal Gear!?" (Okay, the last one probably won't show up in the Elder Scrolls, but the speech of the player character tends to come off as being like that too.) and the other responds in full sentences.
In the end, while if romance options were present, I wouldn't necessarily object, Bethesda should first focus on improving the gameplay mechanics or creating interesting characters and quests.