I was playing New Vegas after replaying Morrowind, and it just struck me how lame the Fallout mechanics are. There's no mark/recall, no levitate, no calm/frenzy, burden, water walking, summoning, no enchanting, no alchemy (well, there is but it's rather lame compared to MW),...
The gameplay is so barren compared to Morrowind. You just shoot stuff until it dies. New Vegas is Doom with a couple of speech checks.
So I got to thinking - how could magick be introduced into the Fallout universe? Well, obviously, it would have to be subtle. There's no magick in America, so it would have to be imported from somewhere else. Well, radiation does weird things in Fallout right? And Japan probably got nuked pretty hard right? And they're historically isolationist which would explain why their 'development' didn't spread to the rest of the world. Yet.
So I'm thinking, what if the Japanese slowly turned into elves? And they developed some magick ability? Wouldn't it be awesome to have Morrowind's magic in Fallout? There could be whole new conflicts and dozens of new factions.
This could be what the stale Fallout universe needs.
Let me know what you think.
I am MARKing this thread so I can RECALL into it later