It's good to know there are people in this world that won't have any fun with Skyrim...more fun for me then...

Does any of the "serious" critics around here ever thought about games are limited. They are limited to the space a DVD is giving.
They are limited to a release date that is 11.11.2011. They are limited to make the game work for millions of people on million different systems.
They are limited to the PEGI, they are limited to ressources, they are limited in how much the game costs. Limits, limits, limits...but hey,
the common pessimistic and negative spiting rage nerd simply doesn't get it. All he sees is his personal benefit. Who cares about what other people like.
I think your daddy should wipe your little spoiled ass and make you notice you're not the only person on this planet. And please...don't play the game, we don't want you around here^^