Should Bethesda try harder ?

Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:28 am

I have the impressions that many of bethesda latest choices are due to a lack of ambition that wasn't present while developing the other games of the series.

From what I have read here are some explanation of why some features (only the one I really care about) are not present in the game:

1) Attributes
My understanding of Bethesda choice: You don't really need them as they are used only to calculate Health/Stamina/Magicka
My reaction: Ehh, I must be dreaming???? Really??? What about some sensible way to roleplay? What about having more dialogue option for intelligent character or wise ones? What about having a quest only if the character luck is over 80? What about a dice minigame based also on luck? What about swords/greatswords that you cannot use as your strengh is not enough?....It seems to me that 30 years of good RP mechanics are a bit too easily dismissed as irrelevant. Sure perks can do some of these things but it seems really odd.

I remember having 100 in each attribute and roleplaying as a person who was great at everything. :facepalm:
This argument does not work with TES as the mechanic has never worked. In the first few levels perhaps, but not for long. Those attribute-related restrictions you mention wasn't in Oblivion or Morrowind, so you can't use those as arguments either.

Perhaps they could improve the attribute system and implement it again in TES 6. But for now, taking it out and replacing it with something that seem to work better (perks) was a step in the right direction.

2) Mark/ recall
My understanding of Bethesda choice: They break the game
My reaction: Well...they are supposed to!! Apart from that it doesn't seem so difficult to change these spells so that they can be activated only if certain conditions are met. For instance, in a dungeon I would make them castable only if there is a light coming from outside (like in the game trailer) and no enemy in sight. May I miss some part of the game by using them? Maybe but that's is the beatiful part of I use them and risk loosing something cool or I don't and explore everything?

3) Levitation
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game
My reaction: Again...come on...what kind of answer is this? You can implement levitation the way risen has done it and it wouldn't break any game mechanic, or you could do it the Oblivion way and have some forcefield/whatever guard the major cities and prevent you to fly in (which would make sense due to the presence of dragons). Inside dungeon you just have to make the ceiling low where you don't want the player to take off of invent some other ways to do the same trick (Poison gas/spikes/moving part...) For intelligent people like bethesda folks it doesn't seem a major challange.

You do realize that you are asking for the impossible, right? Why should Bethesda spend time to form the world to levitation and mark&recall when they're just two tiny spells out of many?
And if they put forcefields all over the world and in the dungeons to prevent you from breaking certain scenarios, like an ambush or a hard place to reach by foot, then why do you want levitation? Why would you want it if you can't take advantage of it?
Both spells are a major challenge to implement, a monstrous challenge. Most games don't give the player the ability to freeze time or fly through walls, and that's because they so easily break the game.
You're silly if you believe that it's not a major challenge. And as I said, at the end of the day, Bethesda has spent several months to put forcefields everywhere so that you can't break the game with levitation. Now you can't use the spell for any major advantage - was that time Bethesda spent really worth it?

4) Spellmaking
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game and it's not needed because you can use your hands to change the power of the spell.
My reaction: mehh...??? Spellmaking was never about only power (aside from the occasional super fire spell we all are found of), was always about smart ways to combine spells and train you. To me it was the essence of roleplaying a mage.Can it really be so difficult to limit the OP spells available in spellmaking?

I think most people used spellmaking to make the best spells available, and therefore limiting the power of spellmaking would make it redundant. When you say "smart ways to combine spells", don't you mean a more powerful spell than you had before?
The removal of spellmaking moves the focus from magic effects to the pre-made spells. And I would rather have the focus on exploration and finding new spells in towns and dungeons, as there's only so much exploration when it comes to spell effects. Buy lowly spells at the local spellstore and you could make the most powerful spell ever. I would prefer to find that powerful spell in the depths of a hard dungeon instead.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:55 pm

so Skyrim is moving away from traditional standards for RPG skill systems in favor of a system they feel is more interesting and organic, and you think that isn't ambitious? you think it's somehow MORE ambitious to just rehash the same [censored] they've had since Daggerfall?

like what the hell does that even mean.

Skyrim isn't called Morrowind 2, Bethesda isn't trying hard enough. [censored] you, Todd. i'll get you one of these days you you SCUM you're RUINING RPGS. DECLINE. DECLINE!!!
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:37 pm

This will be my last reply to a thread such as this. In all honesty they have worn me down over the last few months so much that I just can't be bothered anymore. Everything that needs to be said (on both sides) has been stated around here over and over again. There is nothing new or productive that can come from them.

That said though, as a swansong I will address the frankly ridiculous allegation that the guys at BGS aren't trying hard enough. I say: not trying hard enough for who? For you? Too bad.

From what I see around here and in other places the overwhelming majority of fans are happy with the changes Bethesda are implementing. Even on an issue like the cuirass/greaves, most people accept their reasoning and see it as a decent trade-off. I'm sorry if the people who make these kinds of threads feel differently, but there you go.

Another thing we hear about constantly are the attributes. The way I look at it Bethesda wanted a more natural feel to character progression, and more character specialisation/customisation. Thus the perk system was brought in. I'm sure they could have used all three (attributes, skills & perks), but what is the point? Complexity for complexity's sake adds no depth and reeks of poor design. Again, most people agree on this point.

Some suggest the reason that these changes are made is because of the hardware limitations of consoles or the perceived intellectual limitations of console gamers. Well what the hell do you want? Perhaps you should take into account that if it weren't for the huge success of Oblivion and FO3 in the console market then you may not even have a TES V, and certainly not one that is shaping up to be as great (to most people) as Skyrim.

Video gaming is a huge and immensely competitive industry. If you stand still for too long, you will die. BGS are taking the series in a direction which the vast majority of fans are happy with and is likely to attract new ones. If this means they lose what is in reality a very small percentage of their support, then so be it. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. It's harsh, but that's the world we live in - nobody ever said it was fair.

Finally, if you're looking for Morrowind II, well you have the original and you have your modding tools. Could you please focus your attentions on making it, and leave the rest of us to anticipate and enjoy the series in the way the developers intend?

There. I've said my piece. Make of that what you will.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:19 pm

Yes, good post sir, you're very very smart. After nearly 5 years of development, the ommission of certain features usually modded out anyway is simply due to them not trying. They are just lazy scum who, after 5 years, have decided its no longer worth their time. Every feature from past games left out doesnt have a good reason behind it and absolutly wasnt discussed at length by the studio itself, it was left out because the developers are lazy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, no scamper along and make sure to wear a helmet :thumbsup:

This will be my last reply to a thread such as this. In all honesty they have worn me down over the last few months so much that I just can't be bothered anymore. Everything that needs to be said (on both sides) has been stated around here over and over again. There is nothing new or productive that can come from them.

That said though, as a swansong I will address the frankly ridiculous allegation that the guys at BGS aren't trying hard enough. I say: not trying hard enough for who? For you? Too bad.

From what I see around here and in other places the overwhelming majority of fans are happy with the changes Bethesda are implementing. Even on an issue like the cuirass/greaves, most people accept their reasoning and see it as a decent trade-off. I'm sorry if the people who make these kinds of threads feel differently, but there you go.

Another thing we hear about constantly are the attributes. The way I look at it Bethesda wanted a more natural feel to character progression, and more character specialisation/customisation. Thus the perk system was brought in. I'm sure they could have used all three (attributes, skills & perks), but what is the point? Complexity for complexity's sake adds no depth and reeks of poor design. Again, most people agree on this point.

Some suggest the reason that these changes are made is because of the hardware limitations of consoles or the perceived intellectual limitations of console gamers. Well what the hell do you want? Perhaps you should take into account that if it weren't for the huge success of Oblivion and FO3 in the console market then you may not even have a TES V, and certainly not one that is shaping up to be as great (to most people) as Skyrim.

Video gaming is a huge and immensely competitive industry. If you stand still for too long, you will die. BGS are taking the series in a direction which the vast majority are happy with and is likely to attract new ones. If this means they lose what is in reality a very small percentage of their support, then so be it. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. It's harsh, but that's the world we live in - nobody ever said it was fair.

Finally, if you're looking for Morrowind II, well you have the original and you have your moddibg tools. Could you please focus your attentions on making it, and leave the rest of us to anticipate and enjoy the series in the way the developers intend?

There. I've said my piece. Make if that what you will.

Now you sir, have ended this thread, I applaud your effort, its a very well thought out and sensible post. Unfortunatly this is like argueing religion though, or comic books for certain people. No matter what is said, no matter what facts presented, neither side will changed their viewpoint. To quote Daniel Tosh, "What debate has EVER ended with, "You know what, your right, that makes alot of sense."
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:48 pm

It's not like they developed anything like radiantstory or anything along those lines either.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:00 pm

To: Eldar tha opening post.

You are absolutley correct. The staff at BGS are no longer trying, in fact Todd Howard called me the other day and said you should not buy this game to see if you will like it. You won't. Just keep levitating away from cliffracers then recalling to your house to drop off loot that you won't use. Also keep close track your attributes maybe you and Vivec can compare notes. This may be backlash from all the posts i've read saying BGS aren't trying to make the best game they can. What sense does that make? "Hey guys this time around instead of making an incredible game people will spend money on let's just smoke crack and hang out in the studio until we all get fired."

For the record Morrowind ate alot of my time up as did Oblivion and i'm sure Skyrim will too.
Me, i'm going to trust that they know how to make great game and kill some F@#$ing dragons!!!!!
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:04 am

I try to stay polite on forums, but [censored] You.

1. Nothing to do with effort, I would agree it was a poor decision but nobody's perfect.
2. This is majorly opinion, which in mine, the spell is game-breaking and should be gone, but even then it's got nothing to do with effort.
3. Once again this has nothing to do with effort, they spend so much time designing the game world to guide the flow of movement, why would they want a feature to go ahead and cancel that whole idea out?
4. They've done it before, they could do it again, this isn't an effort issue. People made very unfair spells that required very little magicka to cast and so on, it's a broken feature, that they removed for the better, I'm sure if they really wanted to, they could have easily implemented it.

Learn the difference between your opinion and Bethesda's effort.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:27 pm

Hearing from the "horse's mouth" that some of the devs are even putting their own personal time into making the game (if not just to make sure they meat the 11/11/11 deadline they have set for themselves), convinces me that BGS is already trying very hard. Plus as the OP shows, Skyrim is being mostly compared to pass TES games and mabye BGS set out making their past games at a benchmark and pace that they are now finding hard to keep up with. I mean, are there any other games comparable to the epic scale of a TES game?

Hopefully there is yet a lot more to this game to be discovered where BGS seems to be trying to keep "mum" about many parts of the game still. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed on marketing/ hype that wasn't delivered upon.

If it's confirmed that spellmaking has been removed, could someone direct me to a post mentioning what BGS's reasoning is behind it?

It could be that someone at BGS prefers casual, linear RPGs; or action-adventure games with RPG elements, and is slowly trying to edge the series more and more in that direction.

If BGS is making the game based on how one of their employees/ owners prefers it, then I would consider that a very BAAAD/ stupid business move. As Todd Howard mentioned, it's our game since it's us consumers who shell out the money to buy it in the first place. It seems foolish that a company would release a game for sale that only garners to their own personal tastes.

Sorry but I'm not convinced: You can have 200 ways to prevent the player to levitate off when needed for design choice. Some of these includes:

1) Anti magic crystal (All magic off)
2) Low ceiling
3) Magnetic/attractive floor (or wall for what it matters)
4) Traps on the upper part of the room (I.e. continuosly fired arrows until you have properly deactivated it)
5) Forcefields

If you want to see some of these implemented play Risen.

Won't people then start complaining about "invisible wall" syndrome?
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:59 pm

Theres no clothes physics, blood on water, attributes and spears. Those lazy devs! Earn your salary and put crossbows in! (sarcasm)

Lets put spears in the game.


What do you mean meh?

I dont wanna, its hard.

But thats what you are paid for....

So what? Im a lazy dev!
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:33 pm

No. I want them to try less.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:29 pm

Yes, Skyrim will be dumbed down, but... I'll stil get it.
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helen buchan
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:58 am

I have the impressions that many of bethesda latest choices are due to a lack of ambition that wasn't present while developing the other games of the series.

From what I have read here are some explanation of why some features (only the one I really care about) are not present in the game:

1) Attributes
My understanding of Bethesda choice: You don't really need them as they are used only to calculate Health/Stamina/Magicka
My reaction: Ehh, I must be dreaming???? Really??? What about some sensible way to roleplay? What about having more dialogue option for intelligent character or wise ones? What about having a quest only if the character luck is over 80? What about a dice minigame based also on luck? What about swords/greatswords that you cannot use as your strengh is not enough?....It seems to me that 30 years of good RP mechanics are a bit too easily dismissed as irrelevant. Sure perks can do some of these things but it seems really odd.

2) Mark/ recall
My understanding of Bethesda choice: They break the game
My reaction: Well...they are supposed to!! Apart from that it doesn't seem so difficult to change these spells so that they can be activated only if certain conditions are met. For instance, in a dungeon I would make them castable only if there is a light coming from outside (like in the game trailer) and no enemy in sight. May I miss some part of the game by using them? Maybe but that's is the beatiful part of I use them and risk loosing something cool or I don't and explore everything?

3) Levitation
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game
My reaction: Again...come on...what kind of answer is this? You can implement levitation the way risen has done it and it wouldn't break any game mechanic, or you could do it the Oblivion way and have some forcefield/whatever guard the major cities and prevent you to fly in (which would make sense due to the presence of dragons). Inside dungeon you just have to make the ceiling low where you don't want the player to take off of invent some other ways to do the same trick (Poison gas/spikes/moving part...) For intelligent people like bethesda folks it doesn't seem a major challange.

4) Spellmaking
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game and it's not needed because you can use your hands to change the power of the spell.
My reaction: mehh...??? Spellmaking was never about only power (aside from the occasional super fire spell we all are found of), was always about smart ways to combine spells and train you. To me it was the essence of roleplaying a mage.Can it really be so difficult to limit the OP spells available in spellmaking?

If Morrowind was created by 20 people, Oblivion by 40 and in Skyrim the team has balloned over 100...I wonder what are these guys doing? They seems to have so many things less to do (Spears/Crossbow/Greaves/...) are they all sweating on the PS3 conversion or do this figure include translators in 6 languages?

Come on Bethesda...challange yourself!

Right...that is, I think, one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen. Have you got any clue of anything what so ever? Normally I'm a "well he's entitled to his opinion", but this my good sir, is SILLY!

1) There are so many posts about the removal of attributes and how this is good or bad. BGS are trying out a new approach to how a character is build...for some people innovation and change is always seen as a bad thing while others love the idea of some renewal, even to systems that work fine.
If we all just go "Well this works fine, let's not change that or try to make it better" we wouldn't get anywhere.

2/3) It is a game design choice to not have those spells. You say "why not just design the game so that in some places you can and in other places you can't". Well if I was designing a game, I wouldn't want a single feature to define how to design the game, thinking "Oh I don't want players to levitate here, can't make high ceilings" etc. THAT is the issue, they don't want to design the game around some spells that are... well let's face it, they never really worked in Morrowind either and I for one never used any of those spells.

4) Again, it's a design choice. This is a feature I'm gonna miss too, but I agree with BSG that in it's previous form it was VERY unbalanced. If they feel they can't make it work as well as they would like, they take it out.

The last remark..."What are these guys doing??". Well...they have only announced a portion of the game's features, so I think it's safe to say that they are not sitting with their thumbs up each others bottoms :thumbsup:
Oh and there is not PS3's developed for the Xbox, PS3 and PC...
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:55 am

I see this sort of thing come up with many games. What people who complain about this stuff forget is that its a buisness that produces a product. It's not a service. You are paying for thier product. If you don't like the product, then don't buy it. If they don't sell enough of their products, then they will have to change or end. It's that simple. They don't owe you anything.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:39 am

If Bethesda weren't trying hard enough they would be pumping a game out every year or so, milking the fans for their money (following the EA buisness plan) and take advayage as much as possible of Oblivions success.

In other words I think they are trying hard, 5 years development is longer than that duty calls game (I think that's right). They are making decisions that not everyone agrees with but it doesn't mean they are being lazy. I think you are being unfair, especially when you haven't even played the game to see just how much detail and depth may or may not be in it.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:52 pm

what baffles me is the last line:

"Come on Bethesda...challange yourself!"

Last time I checked- they are. Changing the game, is a challenging feat. I'm very sure they considered the effects of changing aspects of the game would have on the fans.

It's not Bethesda that needs to challenge itself...

It's the fans. We must learn to adapt and consider the perspective that we might like these changes.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:16 pm

I love this thread! I'm glad I keep seeing it over and over again! :celebration:
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:29 am

Hang on. Spell making has gone? This is news to me. How am I going to get about without putting my home made fortify speed + walk on water spell on my horse? If I could add a touch of levitation it would be even better.

I don't buy the argument that levitation reduces design choices. It gives you a whole new axes to work in. Was Prey a crap game because you could move in the vertical as well as the horizontal? If you don't want people flying everywhere just limit levitation power - it has a cool-down period and only lasts a limited time, 15 seconds or whatever - and then you start to drop. But having vertical puzzles would add to the experience rather than detract from it IMO. However, it does make level design more complex, and cause problems for walled cities (a no levitation zone would solve that one though).
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:36 pm

I think the newbies are messing things up xD
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:49 am

I think i`ll actually wait until i`ve played the game before passing judgement, but they haven`t failed in the past in my opinion and i don`t believe they have either now.

Everyone has different expectations - fair enough, but if you let yourself get overhyped and then feel massively let down when something you wanted isn`t implemented..well, thats life.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:18 pm

The OP is crazy thats right foaming at the mouth crazy, to try and say someone is lazy because you don't agree with their design decisions heck he even states 2 of his complaint items would break the game his response work harder make them not break the game by limiting them which would require who knows how much work and then your left with 2 nearly useless spells for all that effort its simply not worth it to them, the other complaints the devs choose different design decisions creating a new system instead of rehashing the old isn't lazy and yes you can do better than a 30 year old system progress comes from trying new things. I'm glad to see most of the forum members are sane enough to recognize the difference between being lazy and design differences.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:03 pm

I disagree with all of the issues you mentioned. Bethesda is made up of professionals and they know what they are doing.

1: The removal of attributes eliminates the levelling issues that were in Oblivion and simplifies the levelling up process. Instead of improving attributes, you directly improve health, magicka or endurance, and raising your skills will likely directly improve the damage and such, instead of strength doing it. It makes the game simpler to understand and gets rid of all those hours spent punching sheep to get my strength to 100 before I can
start the game.

2: Mark/Recall make dungeons easier. Far easier. They reduce the risk of death, and with that most of the tension you get exploring a dungeon. It was a good choice.

3: Levitation is just unnecessary. It's cool to fly, certainly, but what's the point of it? Most dungeons and environments are not designed to handle it.

4: I'm gonna wait and judge the new system before deciding if the removal was good or bad. They know spell-making is a big part of any mage character, so they must have a good substitute for it.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:14 pm

I have the impressions that many of bethesda latest choices are due to a lack of ambition that wasn't present while developing the other games of the series.

From what I have read here are some explanation of why some features (only the one I really care about) are not present in the game:

1) Attributes
My understanding of Bethesda choice: You don't really need them as they are used only to calculate Health/Stamina/Magicka
My reaction: Ehh, I must be dreaming???? Really??? What about some sensible way to roleplay? What about having more dialogue option for intelligent character or wise ones? What about having a quest only if the character luck is over 80? What about a dice minigame based also on luck? What about swords/greatswords that you cannot use as your strengh is not enough?....It seems to me that 30 years of good RP mechanics are a bit too easily dismissed as irrelevant. Sure perks can do some of these things but it seems really odd.

2) Mark/ recall
My understanding of Bethesda choice: They break the game
My reaction: Well...they are supposed to!! Apart from that it doesn't seem so difficult to change these spells so that they can be activated only if certain conditions are met. For instance, in a dungeon I would make them castable only if there is a light coming from outside (like in the game trailer) and no enemy in sight. May I miss some part of the game by using them? Maybe but that's is the beatiful part of I use them and risk loosing something cool or I don't and explore everything?

3) Levitation
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game
My reaction: Again...come on...what kind of answer is this? You can implement levitation the way risen has done it and it wouldn't break any game mechanic, or you could do it the Oblivion way and have some forcefield/whatever guard the major cities and prevent you to fly in (which would make sense due to the presence of dragons). Inside dungeon you just have to make the ceiling low where you don't want the player to take off of invent some other ways to do the same trick (Poison gas/spikes/moving part...) For intelligent people like bethesda folks it doesn't seem a major challange.

4) Spellmaking
My understanding of Bethesda choice: it breaks the game and it's not needed because you can use your hands to change the power of the spell.
My reaction: mehh...??? Spellmaking was never about only power (aside from the occasional super fire spell we all are found of), was always about smart ways to combine spells and train you. To me it was the essence of roleplaying a mage.Can it really be so difficult to limit the OP spells available in spellmaking?

If Morrowind was created by 20 people, Oblivion by 40 and in Skyrim the team has balloned over 100...I wonder what are these guys doing? They seems to have so many things less to do (Spears/Crossbow/Greaves/...) are they all sweating on the PS3 conversion or do this figure include translators in 6 languages?

Come on Bethesda...challange yourself!

It's easy for people to sit there and say the devs are lazy or don't care,when they know nothing about games development....or what is involved. Same with time,money and what they have to work with. Sounds like your spitting the dummy out because things haven't gone exactly as you'd like. Have you played the game? have you tried the new systems and ideas they've added?.....NO!

Attributes are not needed the same anymore.I've said this alot....Look in the oblivion manual and look the the skills and attributes up. Now,games like sacred 2,,morrowind and many more had more dice-rolling in them/more calculating. In oblivion and skyrim we have full control of whether we hit or miss etc.There was less dice -rolling in oblivion,which in my opinion effects how good attributes can be. To be honest they were made to look useless in oblivion. The way games like sacred,morrowind etc made combat and other things,made attributes more important,they tied into skills better. If you want attributes they are going to have to matter and effect alot in the game,and they didn't do it enough in oblivion,and some people don't want morrowinds combat either ( which relied on good attributes,skills,and fatigue.) I understand why bethesda has changed this. Certain RPG's/games rely more on good stats/attributes aswell as good skill.In oblivion it's basically all player skill. I'm looking forward to the new way,with attributes hidden in the background. Some of you make it sound like bethesda just took attributes out for the fun of it,it doesn't work like that,especially on a game they love. They would have seen weaknesses to them.They've had to come up with a new way,and you don't do that in 5 minutes.You have to think about what you had before,can you improve ot? or is it time to move on.Bethesda would have asked themselves these questions i assure you.

Spellmaking was the same just numbers.Now i can understand people wanting to tinker with spells,but it was lame to me. Same fireball effect just a bigger number of damage....Thats not spellmaking to me,it was boring. Now if i could turn my one fireball to two fire balls going in different directions etc,well,now thats's spell making. To me magic has to feel powerful and in order to do that,it's got to look good on screen. If your changing the power of certain spells or mixing them it should show visually and not just in numbers with the same boring affect.

As for levitation and mark/recall......who cares,i don't. They are not that special.

Bethesda challenge yourselfs......Really? what kind of talk is that. Like i've said,you've spat the dummy out.
Be glad there isn't an elderscrolls every year,or you would have something to moan about.
You should have thought this through.If i was you i would have kept my fingers away from the keyboard.
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:11 am

This actually annoys me. This kind of attitude, making a game isn't like editing a video or something, it's taken them nearly 4 years and millions of dollars, and you're asking them to try harder, seriously?

I can fully understand not liking the direction they're taking, but saying it's because they're lazy? Ugh.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:27 pm

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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:58 pm


Then don't buy the game if you don't like the direction they are taking. You being on here basically says you still interested in the game.
To be frank: I ain't a fan of your posts or topics,you get on my nerves.
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Jon O
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