Should I Buy this game despite the obvious issues going on?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:00 am

Lol fans of gamesas. See no bugs, hear no bugs. On three different systems. Nvidia still crashes sometimes as does ATI not alot but does. SOOOOOOO many bugs in the game. After patch started a new game this time trying to PAY for the guy in jails fine.. no guard would talk to me. Reload again no guard would talk to me. Had to reload a older saved game.. THANK GOD.. then it worked.

As for game of the year HAHA.. man when the community can fix SKYRIM as we see looking back in the past.. can fix something the DEVS can not. The ones that MADE the game. OP.... surf the net. DONT go asking here. Duh your going to get.. I never have any problems.. why they patched it.. no clue. Its runs perfect here and so on. Yet when searching we find 1-10? No thousands PS3/XBOX/PC users with tons of bugs and problems. And the patch haha what 50mb. This took them WEEKS to work on. How about vamps? You know the bug where you change back no head? HELLO? How about when the vamp vanishes and you just see EYES floating? HELLO?

No DON'T BUY it yet. Wait to see if these guys even care. Its 60 bucks.. alot for a console game that was awful ported to PC. DX9.. which came out 2002. But this is what CONSOLES use so this is what they used for PC.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:45 pm

I was literally in about to get in my car and go buy the game, when I checked the price online and found out about the frame rate issues and constant bugs. I thought about buying it anyways, but after reading these forums, I'm not sure that I even want to consider buying it...yet. Since everyone here should own the game already, what do you think? Should I wait for the next patch, or is there enough for me to do in the game that's stable enough to pass the time for the next patch?

If you're going PC, my advice is to hold off. Wait for the CK. I'm not sure Bethesda means to fix even 10% of the issues users have reported on these forums. I would not bet on Bethesda at this point. They seem to have jumped the shark. They haven't released any statement regarding game breaking patch deployments for the PC. It's fairly inexcusable. Do not reward them with money.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 pm

If you're getting it for PC I would still recommend it even with the problems the game is having. To be honest though even with how much I like Skyrim if I didn't have the developer console to fix broken quests, etc I would have stopped playing this game after 20 hours.

Done three characters so far and every single one of them has had issues with quests becoming broken. The latest one suffered from a bugged quest for a major faction.

I can't get it for PC because I'm in college with an HP Laptop that isn't strong enough to run the game smoothly. I would be getting it for PS3, and I really don't want to be that person who pays 60 bucks only to stop playing because it's so irritating. I know I'm gonna get heat for this...but that was my experience with LA NOIRE
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:31 am

I was literally in about to get in my car and go buy the game, when I checked the price online and found out about the frame rate issues and constant bugs. I thought about buying it anyways, but after reading these forums, I'm not sure that I even want to consider buying it...yet. Since everyone here should own the game already, what do you think? Should I wait for the next patch, or is there enough for me to do in the game that's stable enough to pass the time for the next patch?

Buy it. No risk, no reward :)

I bought it on release day and after 100+ hours still have high FPS, long draw distances, fast load times, no crashes and no issues. I feel for those that do, as I've had my fair share of frustrations in the past (Morrowind, Oblivion, Civ5...). TBH, I was expecting Skyrim to be as bad as TES3 and 4, and am very happy, for me at least, it isn't.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 pm

Wait a couple months and get it for $40. By then the big bugs will be gone. Also, buy it on PC, not Console. PC gets all the modders fixing stuff Bethesda won't.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:38 am

I was literally in about to get in my car and go buy the game, when I checked the price online and found out about the frame rate issues and constant bugs. I thought about buying it anyways, but after reading these forums, I'm not sure that I even want to consider buying it...yet. Since everyone here should own the game already, what do you think? Should I wait for the next patch, or is there enough for me to do in the game that's stable enough to pass the time for the next patch?

Yes, buy it. Just buy it under the understanding that you are purchasing a game that still has issues (issues that are being addressed), and don't come crying to the forums when you encounter them.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:22 am

I can't get it for PC because I'm in college with an HP Laptop that isn't strong enough to run the game smoothly. I would be getting it for PS3, and I really don't want to be that person who pays 60 bucks only to stop playing because it's so irritating. I know I'm gonna get heat for this...but that was my experience with LA NOIRE

Oh, in that case, DEFINITELY wait. PS3 has all kinds of issues, see their board.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:04 am

Dont listen to these infamous [censored]ing cry babies on this forum they are known around the Skyrim community for being the most negative SOB's in gaming history, get the game i havent experienced one glitch except for a game freeze ONCEin a 66 hour playthrough.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:00 pm

Ask yourself, do you want a medieval fantasy with magic? Buy Skyrim, Fable, or Gothic 2. Do you want a wasteland? Buy Fallout 3. Want to be god? Buy the Sims 3.

hahaha I already have Sims 3 and Fallout 3. I love both those games, for the most part, and Skyrim looks a lot better than Fallout 3 (judging by online reviews, youtube clips, and friends telling me so).
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:37 am

I'm aware of the game's nomination and constant praise from other reviewers...that's what lead me to go buy the game in the first place. However, I don't want to spend $60 on a game that feels like I'm being a Beta tester. If the game is still great regardless of a few inconveniences, then I'll buy it. But after reading some pissed off forums, I'm wondering if it'll be worth the hassle if my game is just as buggy as everyone elses.

Well in all honesty, I haven't come across any game breaking bugs, nor do I experience any lag whatsoever. I play on a PC, which I'd also recommend for the mods factor, which will make the game even better. Have you seen what mods did to the last Elder Scrolls game? Amazing.

$60 is a great investment when you think about how much time you'll be spending on this game. I can't remember the last game that stole this much of my free time!

Don't pay too much attention to the whiners on the forums, they're very much in the minority. Most people are too busy playing this addictive game.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:51 am

Well in all honesty, I haven't come across any game breaking bugs, nor do I experience any lag whatsoever. I play on a PC, which I'd also recommend for the mods factor, which will make the game even better. Have you seen what mods did to the last Elder Scrolls game? Amazing.

$60 is a great investment when you think about how much time you'll be spending on this game. I can't remember the last game that stole this much of my free time!

Don't pay too much attention to the whiners on the forums, they're very much in the minority. Most people are too busy playing this addictive game.

Yeah, I'm always interested in open world games because I like the feeling of paying $60 for 100+ hours of gameplay rather than paying $60 for Uncharted 3...which I beat in about 2 days (7 GP hours). I hear that the PC is the way to go, unfortunately I'm going to have to settle for the PS3 version since I'm a poor college kid who only has an HP Laptop that's not strong enough to run this game smoothly.
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