» Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:34 pm
My character, Sibyl is walking from one town to another, perhaps to address a given quest.
She is following along a rushing river. The sun is a few fingers from setting, so time to set up a camp.
Using her crafting skills, a lean-to is established, and her bedroll placed inside. A small campfire is started.
Sibyl wanders to the river's edge and sees fish swimming. After catching a couple, she uses her dagger to "harvest" product, and cooks it over her campfire. As the hot embers glow, a small orange spark is spit from the burning wood. An ear of corn is placed to roast close to the embers. The smell of the smoke and the cooking food intensifies her hunger. She begins to salivate in anticiipation.
Stars begin to twinkle in the dusk.
Crickets are chirping, and an owl has started it's nightly call. The sounds of the small waves from the river relax her.
While sitting on a log, close to the fire, Sibyl savors the taste of the fish and the roasted, buttered corn. This is done while sipping the sweetness of honeywine from a horn. The warmth the drink produces inside her causes a small shiver, as it chases away a chill. Coolness is starting to penetrate the night.
It is getting darker now, and the fire is banked just a little. A few more sips of mead and the bedroll beckons her.
With her staff and dagger nearby, it is time to dream.
Will the dragons speak again this night?
Life is good, sometimes.