Apologies in advance if there have been topics regarding this already. I have used the search function to no avail.
We have known for a while now that Dogmeat and other companions cannot die, and the video below released by Bethesda earlier today states that Dogmeat dying is essentially a reload scenario. While a lot of players will reload when a companion dies, a lot of others won't. Catering for the one side, while leaving the other out is a bit silly. It will be easy enough to have an option in the Settings which you can toggle on/off for killable followers.
We all know that some of the most popular mods will be to make companions killable. I can just see "Die Dogmeat Die"`, "Dogmeat Must DIe" and other such aptly named mods being on the front page of the Nexus.
Bethesda are big on the player being able to create their own experience, but things like this put limits on that. If a companion dies and you prefer to live with the consequences then it will offer a different experience, allow for more roleplaying options and may improve on the replayabilty of the game.
It shouldn't be hard to implement and there will be a great many people who will be anxiously waiting for mods like this to come out, when they really shouldn't be needed.
Having a toggleable option 'just works'. In all seriousness though ou please everyone, and no one is left out.
EDIT: Added 'It should be optional' to the poll...and that's what I answered. I'm more for allowing companions to be killable, but ultimately it should be up to the player how they want to play.
It will be nice to see everyone's thoughts on this, so let me know what you think.