Hacking should be the last they need to worry about. PB svcks in general anyway, It will ban anyone who has a packet loss of 5% which can be a lot of people... all they need to do is give admins tools to oversee their servers and that's all. They really need to fix everything else. I'm getting the sense that most people on this forum know very little about PC games and how they should work if hacking is the only thing on their minds.
[quote="warz0ne-lcd-"]You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.
LOl he is sooo funny... In mother Russia Hacks Cheat You!!!!!!!
Hey dude if you never seen a Hacker then you never played the game. Or you never seen a hacker cause you are blind as a Bat!! there on 80% of the servers.. Also if Punk Buster was implemented right now you would see 70% of the hacker scatter like cockroaches. if punk Buster is set up right it catches most hackers. And One more thing. If Punk Busters cathes a cheater/Hacker they are gone. Key is null/Void on any punk buster enabled server. So they would have to play on non ranked servers. Or go buy another key. And Vac Vac2 are a joke.