What's there to envy? When I visualize what these hackers look like I imagine some skinny autistic 12 year old sitting behind a computer screen in a dark room with a milk mustache who gets bullied at school and hasn't seen daylight for years, and probably no chance of getting laid when they're older, and probably stretch to any lengths to get attention which is why they resort to hacks because they can't play the game.
They might pwn with their auto aim but I pwn them at life
As for the leader boards I don't care about my own rankings for a start, a change in the rankings wouldn't make a difference to me I don't pretend to be super 1337 at the game I just play it when I got nothing much to do and I got nobody around (I also run a music studio which is the main focus of my life atm). The point I'm trying to make is the removal of cheaters would be
hugely symbolic to Cryteks position on cheaters and glitchers, which at the moment it's almost like they accept them in the game.
Crytek owes it to us paying customers to stamp these **** out of the leader-boards, even if their own cheat protection is a shambles.
You need a course of anger management. Seriously.
On topic: removing them would solve absolutely nothing. They'd just hack back up there. It's like bailing water out of a sinking boat when there's a huge hole in the bottom, it'll all just come right back.