thats like saying the legions ok because they have good intentions, hmm, the followers are much like the legion i think
Oh God. Don't go with that whole 'YOU'RE JUSTIFYING NAZISM!' arguement style. The Legion is blatently good intentions gone wrong. The Followers are good people. Of the people in game, the only Follower we see do bad is Anderson, and it was ONE crime, and even that crime was for noble intentions. NCR does far worse things. They over tax people, force innocent people off their land, and corruption is rampant in their government. Tom Anderson looks like a choir boy according to what the NCR have done. Seriously, don't go with those 'That guy has dogs, Hitler had a dog, SO HE MUST BE HITLER!', they make you look terrible at discussions. There is always going to be a situation to where there is no good or bad situation. Say you had a family and couldn't afford to feed them, would you steal the embezzelle the money from the company you work for, knowing that it's wrong, but it saves your family, or do you let your family starve, knowing you could have saved them? Same situation applies here.

I mean, not that this is problem, i just find it amazing how some people still consider themselves being morally "good", despite all the atrocities they're able to perform.
Caesar still does consider himself good, despite falling astray. Just goes to show the concept of morale 'good' is subjective.