I would prefer that Obsidian do another stand alone game but this time Bethesda gives them more than 18 months. Let Obsidian know today so that they can get started on it and then release it in two or three years.
I would prefer that Obsidian do another stand alone game but this time Bethesda gives them more than 18 months. Let Obsidian know today so that they can get started on it and then release it in two or three years.
actually i prefer a good map that a empty one no meter is the story is the best ever write i will just quite like i did with Witcher 3
I'm sorry, mate. I can't understand what the heck it is you're saying.
Although I'd like to see Obsidian make another Fallout, I think Beth should do the DLC for Fallout 4. It's their game after all.
I would like to see Obsidian do their own Fallout game and DLC, separate from F04. You can never have too much Fallout content and this would allow Bethesda to do what they do and provide another option for people who preferred Obsidian's take on the franchise.
he's just ponting out how empty the NV map is, its just a fact, its sparse, there's very little on the map, its mostly open areas and everyone doesn't like that, i hate a map like that, its the worst map of any game i have ever played, as far as open type of map, its just too empty and it doesn't work for me and for others either, there's a reason why bethesda games are popular, their maps aren't empty
Yeah, I guess they were too busy writing interesting quests and areas to explore instead of spending all their time tossing a bunch of empty, inconsequential, uninteresting wasteland-diarrhea across a bumpy landscape.Whee. Way to go, Bethesda.
You keep picking that sarcastic option sir.
I kid you not, it's the only option I've chosen all game.
So wait you diss on someone else opinion and then say "oh don't touch me it is called opinion?"
Go away troll.
F:NV just didn't grab me the way FO3 did. The whole courier main quest was boring as hell and just felt like a tie-in excuse to get to know the factions. So no, I voted for Bethesda to handle the DLC.
Obsidian is now a very small company that has to crowdfund games to survive. Pillars of Eternity was a good game, but it may not be enough to get them through long term. They are also busy on Armored Warfare and the speculated project with White Wolf/Paradox. As small a team as they are, I don't think they have the manpower nor the money to handle multiple projects at the same time. They aren't doing too hot financially.
Hoping Obsidian will once again get the opportunity to touch Fallout may just be wishful thinking at this point.
Clearly you don't read what people actually say and just read what you want to.
As I stated that I don't mind any of the two studios making the DLC. The best thing is if they repeat what they did with NV, as a standalone game. This keeps both studios out of eachother's hair. Same goes for the technical aspect. And the company as a whole will make big money anyway because a lot of people bought F3 & FNV and had different opinions. Fans are gonna be fans and that is where it ends.
Obsi had a storyline going from vanilla through all DLC with Ulysses. It was one big red line through different "places". In both games of both studios there was good DLC and less good DLC. There are DLC in F3 better than in FNV too.
However, in FNV, most of the characters in the DLC were all poked at in "detail dialogue" during vanilla game quests. I thought this was all very interesting. Infact (before the DLC came out) II read about stuff from the DLC being DLC at all cause they originally wanted it in the main game but they had issues of some sort.
In vanilla FNV you have a few big main endings and smaller endings attached to that. They show that the player has a lot of impact. In F4 we just learned that a lot of endings in F3 are non-cannon so storywise that is a big flop.
Compared to followers in F3 the followers in NV were incredibly fleshed out. You can see they took inspiration from this into F4.
"AND then we get 4 DLC that the only think they do is put a main enemy on front of u, that make ur fallow him around (ignoring the main threat that is the Legion and the War) and to find out what ever u choose to be before the game star is trow to the garbage bc they explain your past with Ulysses, And actually, story wise, only 1 is good the Big Empty one. The other ones are horrible."
Storywise as a whole NV was better than 3. You don't like my opinion and and this is your arguement?
The contradiction is real, boys.
Are all of you just gamers who spend 5 hrs on this game and dropped it? Did you really not spend time doing multiple playthroughs with multiple playstyles etc? Did you have 1 pt in charisma and not try to actually talk to the characters in game?
Also sure, let's reply to someone who made a statement about the storytelling by saying.. you didn't like the "open" world... ??
Only arguement I could agree on, is that I found that the city of New Vegas itself should've been bigger.
I liked FO3 more than FNV even if FNV had more depth when it came to factions, dialog and branching/consequences, just because of FO3's map. But I prefer a more linear map than a linear and shallow game. FO4 is so shallow in these categories that I already have gotten bored of it and spent less time on it than any other Beth game since Daggerfall.
I don't think there is any point to DLCs being outsourced to Obsidian. Would like Obsidian to create a game from scratch instead.
this is the greatest thing i'v read all week, WoD (both old and new) is probably among my favorite worlds ever
onto the topic at hand! beth made FO4 so beth should be the one to work on it, even if i much prefer NV
I hope beth puts much effort in bringing PC mods too Xbox1 and Ps4 , so the energy should be own DLC and Mods for console .
I don't think that Obsidian should make the DLCs, I am a little bit afraid of inconsistency when two different developers work on the same project. But I would like to see an other Obsidian spinoff
1) Bethesda to handle the setting, build the world
2) iD to handle the gunplay
3) Obsidian to handle the rpg aspects like quests, characters, dialogue and writing.
That way all the weaknesses are covered by other teams. Its a win win situation for everyone.
Obsidian has their own way of doing things and their own style of storytelling that makes their Fallout different from the way it's done at Bethesda.
I like the Fallout games by both developers, but I think if you were to take a Bethesda game and tack on Obsidian DLC it wouldn't be a mashup of all the best things of both, it would just be a missed opportunity for each developer to give us the purest best experience that they can each build independantly.
I'd be thrilled if we got Fallout: New Reno from Obsidian in 2017+, but just having them do a DLC for Bethesda's Fallout 4 wouldn't be doing games by either developer justice.
I went with other.
I would rather than cordinate DLC together, basically beth has final say, but obsidian's writers to help flesh out people, dialog, depth