I voted no, but that's because I did NOT like what Obsidian did in NV so I pretty much don't want them to ever touch a Bethesda property again, in any form.
I voted no, but that's because I did NOT like what Obsidian did in NV so I pretty much don't want them to ever touch a Bethesda property again, in any form.
Im sorry but i dont want [censored] 4 DLC explaining my background story like Obsidan did (and u guys think u can be whoever u want on that game)
u are soooooo wrong, u should worship him since thank to him u enjoying Fallout. Im tired of the [censored] of Fo1 and Fo2
Hell no, only strong point on obsidan is the story telling and only to some points. Everything else they svck at. That why NV was horrible craft when it come down to map or game play.
How ridiculous is it that someone makes a vote... on a developers forums... asking that their game be developed (further) by another company. You guys are driving me nuts on this forum. I keep checking in, and contributing hoping that soon enough the silliness will stop. The moaning, complaining... people will realize the game is as it is. It will likely improve, and some lost features may return. But that this is what they are given. They either accept it, or don't.
I'm no fan of Bethesda... in the sense that I'm not some mindless fan-boy. I'm also no mindless FO fan-boy. I think the game has some decent qualities, the devs did a number of things right... but they also did a number of things wrong. But this community is turning into a bunch of nonsense. I sure hope that changes soon.
On a sidenote... at the bottom of the forum is a little button for MentalHealth.gov. Some of you need to click on it.
Worship is a strong word. I like Fallout 3 and love Fallout 4 but I don't worship the man.
No, I don't think they should and I pretty much disagree with everything you said. Especially " Fallout 4 lacks development of factions and characters" . I think they did a great job with the factions and characters.
I mean have you even played the game? It doesn't sound like you have.
Lonesome Road / Ulysses are narratively worse than Mothership Zeta.
Imagine a story about some coarse voiced dike head waging an invisible war on UPS or Fedex because they, unknowingly, delivered a package bomb. That's Ulysses in a nut shell.
They should hire out the Obsidian writers, because let's face it: Beth is not that good at writing engaging plots or characters. And, no, giving the protag a voiceover does not help matters any.
If you want a DLC that lacks story and good dialog, go with Bethesda.
While I do prefer New Vegas over Bethesda's offerings, to say nothing of the DLC, I'd rather Bethesda make DLC for their own game. If Obsidian is willing to make another Fallout game with its own DLC, that's another story, but in my experience it never ends well when studios outsource DLC to other studios.
I couldn't even begin to take you seriously after reading this. I know Lonesome Road is a divisive DLC, and there's plenty of people who dislike it for various legitimate reasons, but this is easily one of the most ridiculous statements about it I've seen yet.
i know rigth i still dont understand why everyone is so blow away about NV story it was so pathetic at parts. Like the part where u take the chip to Cesar bunker COMO ON HE IS CESAR he COULD TORTURE ME TILL I GIVE THE CHIP but no u walk there and use the chip on the bunker like nothing.
Same opinion as a good few others, it's a Beth Game leave them to do any DLC as to Obsidian I way preferred FO3 over New Vegas but if Beth wants to let them do another game I'll leave buying that until friends have played it, only the mod TTW made New Vegas worth playing, for me that is.
Pointless smear...
I'm echoing previous sentiments, but I would also rather the continuity of Bethesda's vision to proceed into their DLC cycle.
I also don't think it's fair to place Obsidian under the exigence of a restricted development cycle for DLC, not that they aren't capable of creating brilliance under the crushing weight of a truncated development cycle.
There's the counterpoint that Obsidian will more likely than not never work on the series again, either out of volition or logistics.So the proposition (quixotic as it is) might be their only hypothetical chance of ever developing Fallout content again.
I don't think anyone think NV has a great story just better then FO3's. Which I agree with.