Fallout 3 is a fun playground but it is lacking in several core traits that distinguish Fallout from other franchises. Obsidian has shown that they can implement these core traits almost as well as the moders. Bethesda's world building with the Fallout franchise has not been as strong as it could be, and Fallout 4 is a step back in simulating a dynamic world that changes according to player decisions and behavior. In its current state Fallout 4 lacks development of factions and characters; the personalities of a faction remains a fixed path and it is a choice of progressing that path or not rather than branching interaction between factions and characters. Fallout New Vegas and its DLC captured the world of Fallout and the creative ways player choices could be represented in the world. I have run several table top rpgs in the last few years and use a reminder for players of how they can have fun. RPG can stand for role playing game or roll playing game. Roll refers to game mechanics that are mostly combat. Combat is enjoyable and is one way to play an rpg, but role playing is what separates an rpg from a miniatures war game. Role refers to the character and the ability to make choices that define the character's personality and motivation. The conversation system and available choices should allow a player to experience multiple positive and negative consequences from a single choice. Case in point from one of the earliest quests in New Vegas. The player can chose to side with a faction regarding the life of someone they have only just met. They can make one choice and from that choice they have narrative mechanical results with how multiple factions see them and an overall state of karma which can be very important because an individual npc might dislike you because you have hurt their faction but respect you because you have a reputation of being honest in dangerous situations, or they distrust you because while you may have helped their faction a lot you are a well known cheat and murderer. This is but one of the traits that make the Fallout franchise stand out and helps with the retention of customers. If you want to understand what these things are play 2 hours of Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas, and Wasteland 2. Without these distinct traits there is not a strong reason to keep consumers returning to the franchise over other franchises. Obsidian has a track record of creating these traits in games they make and publish. I would like to believe that Bethesda can do these things for the Fallout 4 DLC, but I already trust Obsidian to deliver strong content in any such DLC.