How does one decide what is "evil"?
It's considered perfectly acceptable to kill other life for food. Humans help breed life just for mass slaughter for food and it's perfectly normal.
We just assume human life as infinitely more sacred than other life. We don't need to breed and slaughter what people just assume to be "lesser beings" to survive, but we do. I'll enjoy eating my steak for dinner too without a second thought, but am I considered evil for doing so?
Don't even get me started on how humans kill one another for far less and we simply justify it as the right thing. It's strange how just writing another group of humans off as "bad" and killing them is considered okay for some (hell we revere them as heroes even), but killing for the sake of survival when there is no other choice is somehow evil.
It's just people dressing up murder and saying it's okay, justified or even heroic and for the greater good. 
[To me] the karma system is a fallacy in and of itself and I hope they just get rid of it. Reputation makes sense, because it's what's perceived as good or bad to that specific group of people, but karma is just assigning good or bad to the entire universe.