» Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:12 am
i Used airstomp when i got bored of playing seriously. And as a matter of fact, it got very useful for me, if you have the proper upgrades (no falling damage, faster recovery) it actually really helps to get out tight spots or if you are out of bullets. Sure, it takes some practice, but if you are determined, then anyone can make it useful
If you're determined, you can make anything useful. Yes.
But, also, if you're determined, you can make better things even more useful. Saying you can make airstomp useful necessitates that you purposefully put yourself in a situation, in which it is needed. While on the other hand you could have just shot everyone in the head with a solid playstyle and be done with it.
That said, however, I believe airstomp is a good thing, and it would be great if it was a default thing for the suit, like jump, instead of being a selectable module. And make it drain energy.