Should Fallout be scarier?

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:04 am

Fallout has always shown horrifying events like raiders hanging up corpses, gore bags, tunnels filled with feral ghouls, but one theme that has never really felt like it had a place was actual horror, not horror like encountering a really hard enemy and being scared of it one shotting you before you run out of AP, but genuine tense horror.

***Fallout 3 spoilers***

Within the game, there are some tense situations or areas, one example being fallout 3's vault 106, the enemies weren't really a threat when encountered and it never really gave the feeling that you would die, but it sticks out in my mind as one of the few areas that just genuinely struck me as creepy, the atmosphere, the situation, cutting in and out of reality and temporarily losing track of where enemies were until your hallucinations stopped, it was all very well done and it made those bat wielding lunatic vault dwellers even scarier than encountering a deathclaw and because of that it is one of my favorite areas.

Should more areas strive to be more scary? where its not just a dungeon with enemies shrewn throughout, but maybe you are left alone for a moment with ominous music, or its even darker than usual and your light is relevant, maybe for some reason your enemy detection stops working and the enemies hide and try to ambush you.

Obviously with things like VATS, and enemy tracking, horror isn't easy, but is it something that should be explored more in fallout 4?

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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:54 pm

I would like a few scary areas, I think it can really fit the setting now and then to have some horror elements. Whether it is a base of a particularly vicious group of raiders(think hills have eyes esque) or some sort of mutated monster lair.

Nothing fantastical like ghosts though, it should fit the setting. Mutated men and monsters can be scary enough if presented properly.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:39 am


I wouldn't mind more places like Dunwich Tower

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:28 am

no, despite what seem people seem to think, this series is not, and was never meant to be a Survival horror series.

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John N
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:51 am

I would love to see truly scary areas in FO4.

It's hard to do when your character bristles with guns and armor though.

I noticed a lot of the NV DLC took away your items temporarily to make you feel vulnerable again. It wasn't a bad trick.

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sally R
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:40 am

I would like certain areas to be scary, yes. Its the apocalypse! There are mutants and raiders and dead bodies everywhere! I would like to see some situations that you come across as well. Maybe coming across some raiders about to hang someone or them digging a grave or a super mutant eating someone. I think Fallout 3 lacked in that area since all the enemies were just walking around and never had some animations that would make it seem like they were doing something else besides patrolling.

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James Shaw
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:09 am

The Pitt did this as well as that other unmentionable abomination of a DLC.

I wouldn't mind seeing some more survival horror type stuff in Fallout. I wouldn't want every questline to be like that, but a little here, a little there wouldn't be so bad.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:06 am

My bias towards survival horror makes me won't to say yes to a certain extent. I always considered Dead Money to be somewhat of a survival horror experience which was probably part of the reason I liked it so much. I wouldn't mind seeing an aspect of survival horror in Fallout 4 for specific locations or quest. Those moments of tension can be very fitting for such a setting. The Metro games do it well.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:19 am

You're right. There should be rainbows and pretty flowers everywhere. Tell that to the ghouls.

It's a dark series. There should be dungeons and sickening situations that make it scary to walk through because of the harsh kind of world it is while you question what kind of people arranged the scenario. It's only fitting.

It doesn't have to be Silent Hill, either.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:01 am

I dont think anyone is asking for it to become survival horror. Merely a quest here or there that is meant to be scary. This is a post apocalyptic world, there should be some very dark and horrific areas, the key part is as long as it fits the setting. Things like cannibals, or similar can be perfect for this. Maybe you get knocked out somehow and end up in some kitchen without your stuff and you need to escape and grab your items. Maybe come back with some allies and kill everyone.(thats cliche i know, luckily im not a writer, its just to give you an example of what i mean)
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:12 am

I would like for Fallout games, going forward, to present their subject matter in a more terrifying manner. I think there is enough comic relief in the games to balance out adding more horror elements. For example, based on the E3 presentation for F4, imagine you witness something in game that is truly horrific, then you attack the offending creature and score a critical hit and the Vault Boy icon blowing his pistols comes up. Comic relief!
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:23 am

Bethesda never disappoints me when it comes to creepy/scary. I'm sure there will be more than a few areas in the game that are scary. Seeing the molerats pop up out of the ground and knowing there will be destructible walls in the game leave plenty of opportunity for good scare scenarios.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:08 pm

Fallout as a whole should not be scarier, because it's not a horror franchise. But making it's quests and area that are designed to be scary scarier is great.

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kelly thomson
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:42 am

Some personal favorites of mine (in no particular order):
Point Lookout's atmosphere
Dementia (and by extension, Crucible) in The Shivering Isles DLC for Oblivion
Sixth House Bases in Morrowind always creep me out
The Anvil Lighthouse in Oblivion
The Pale Lady in Oblivion
"Shadow over Hackdirt" quest in Oblivion
Vault 87

Hunh. Lots of Oblivion there. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. Funny, I don't remember being creeped out by anything in Skyrim.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:28 pm

There were several caves, and some castles in Skyrim I thought were pretty creepy. Especially around the Forsworn areas. Oblivion did have quite a few places. Even some of the Ayleid ruins were creepy. In Fallout 1 & 2 I think the top down view ruined the creepy/surprise factor for me. You pretty much saw what you would be running into. Fallout 3 had quite a bit: vaults, underground areas, and the Dunwich building. Also Dead Money from New Vegas, which I thought was one of the best DLCs, if not the best, was creepy and pretty suspenseful.

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:39 am

Of course it should be scarier! I mean, it's set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland full of monsters that come straight out of your worst nightmares. More horror, please. Make me afraid to walk through long-abandoned buildings. Feral ghouls are actually cool enemies for me to fight.

Make me afraid to play the game 'cause I'll have nightmares.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:01 am

Half of me wants to say slightly scarier, but then the other half of me remembers New Vegas which wasn't scary at all. Let me tell you, I thought the cheeky upbeat atmosphere of New Vegas was great.

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:13 am

See, I really dig the Forsworn. While I also dig all of the "creepy" things in Beth games, I never got the creepy vibe from the Forsworn. Also, I really liked Dead Money. It is the best one I forgot in my opinion. The Villa part was pretty creepy, and the penthouse floor in the casino proper was as well, and also very sad, I thought (Vera Keys). Can't believe I forgot Dead Money. :(
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:11 am

I agree here. All the NPCs looked like they were patrolling 24x7. Cook-Cook would have seemed a lot scarier if I had seen him actually gnawing on somebody's dismembered hand. The gore bags would have been far more disgusting if a super-mutant had sliced one open to let some gore slide out. The game had all these great props but never used them for anything.

I hope centaurs make a reappearance. They are one of the most disgusting things...

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:22 am

Yes. Complete abominations, stomach churning to look upon.... Can't wait to see them in next gen rendering!!
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:45 pm

Ambiance in F3 was way better than NV. They should definitely include more mandatory dark areas.

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Jason King
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:13 am

Dark, harsh, post-apoc, depressing..... =/= "survival horror".


(Personally, I thought FO3 had enough "scary" in it.... Dunwich building, the hallucination vault, few other creepy places. That was fine. Overall, though, "scary" isn't a word I'd use - or expect to be used - when talking in general about the games. :shrug:)

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:11 am

Ghosts have been seen in the fallout series, I wouldn't mind that.....

I'd prefer some scenario involving a psychic horror experiment gone wrong. Think. the beginning of "Elfin Lied" with Lucy

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Nicole M
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:13 am

With the right ambientes it could be great :D

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:18 am

I wish it did have more survivor horror elements.

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