Now that I have seen the numerous game footage leaks with my own eyes, and know exactly what Bethesda has made...
The waiting is now much, much easier. 
I can't say what I saw, because you know... Bethesda forum. But suffice to say, this game is not what I was hoping for. This isn't a labor of love, it's not even a work of art. It's just an intellectually dishonest piece of AAA schlock, painted up to look Fallout-like. A game that is little more than a summer blockbuster, designed for a quick, forgettable thrill, rather than a story that sticks with you for the longest time. I now know why I have so many hundreds of hours logged on New Vegas, while my Fallout 3 play time isn't even in the triple digits.
Fallout is the new Call of Duty.
I've cancelled my preorder of the Pip Boy Edition.
I have no doubt that this game will sell like a cancer cure, due to the appeal to the lowest common denominator. And I'm certain that the "big" gaming journalism websites with all the ads will give it perfect scores all around... but for me, this game feels like a betrayal of everything the series stands for. An installment that flips the bird to the originals, and misses the point entirely.
Bethesda, I thought you would have learned from Obsidian's example. I thought that after having years to gauge people's responses to both games, that you would have taken the best parts of both worlds and made something truly great. I was looking forward to this ALL YEAR.
But I guess this will be an object lesson for me.... that Bethesda... Bethesda never changes.
And now I'm going to go play Wasteland 2.