Ok as you all know Skyrim Legendary is coming out soon and i was wondering what platform i would get it from. Of course the obvious choice is PC right? but its not as easy as it seems. Back in 2011 i got skyrim, my god i loved it. However my PC at the time COULD only play it medium settings. (BTW didant have Xbox until early 2012) After a while the load times were terrible, similar to those on the PS3. I eventually gave up on it as it was unplayable and didnt want to slow down the computer as my family runs a business.
After a while i forgot my password to steam (yer i know stupid) and couldnt access my account. However just recently i remebered my password and installed it on my new computer. Well not that new, has all business stuff on it and plays like before, however the load times were quick. (So far). By this time know i have a xbox 360 and heard wonderful things about it how its plays the same like PC on Ultra High but you cant modd.
This dose not affect me as i dont modd. Yer i know, but i dont want to download stuff that should be used elsewhere....... So should i get the upcoming Skyrim Legendary Edition on 360 or stick to PC?