I only think combat is slow in TB Fallout when you run into some encounter with a lot of animals or something, and their animation is really slow. What takes the longest then is watching all your enemies move. Like if you try to shoot someone in say the Den, then EVERYONE will move. I mean everyone, every civilian will flee - in turn-based! And them drug addicts move really really slow.
That's why you put combat at the fastest. Turn-based can be really intense when you have a few companions and fight a huge bunch of, say, slavers. It will be easier for you if you think of it as in real-time, but then think that the pauses given to you is like when the world slows down for your brain to react to a lot of different factors like how many enemies are there, where are they, how far away are they, what weapons do they use, can they hit me from here, do I have any companions, are they close enough to hit the enemies, and things like that. It's like in real life, when you find yourself in a similar situation, you notice that your brain will think of a hundred things at the same time. This is reflected in turn-based by giving you your turn to think of all these things and plan out your move (should I shoot the guy closest to me, who I have biggest chance of killing, or should I shoot the guy with an SMG who is further away but will be a pain in the ass if he's alive? Or should I take this turn to heal? I do have only 26HP. Over there, there's a bunch of 4 slavers running out of that door, how long will it take for them to get here, and will I be able to kill these two guys before that and take cover? Or will they go for my two companions? Will my companions manage? One of them is in close combat over there against three guys, and needs help but I don't have action points to save him
and help myself. I hope they won't start killing the hostage soon, aswell. Wow, I thought of a lot of things that I would never have time for in real-time!

Buy the trilogy pack, it's like $20. I'd recommend Fallout 2 with Killap's Restoration Project downloaded (which will add back all planned or cut content, and fix bugs and alot of that stuff) but Fallout 1 is also important to understand the lore. Fallout Tactics is cool in that the combat is much better and faster. It has something called Continuous Turn Based, which means that moving your squad won't take AP, but by doing all the other actions, like shooting, it will. So you won't have to take turns to shoot at each other, enemies and allies will always do that when they have AP. When they move, the AP will stop to replenish untill you take cover, wait for it to fill up and you can shoot again. It's alot more action, and makes AP still have a great purpose for the game. I love it! So if there ever will be another Fallout game that will not be an FPS, make it have CTB!