» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 am
I don't recommend buying Crysis 2. I bought it for aprox. 35$ (digital distribution) and it's not worth the money or the nerves.
Crysis 2 story is boring as hell and stupid enemy AI makes playing even more numb. Beging is like: Hey Prophet get there and there kill that and that blah blah blah ... and my reaction was like: Why? I don't care. I am not Prophet dude. Its not fun to own such a stupid AI.
(I am yet another enemy, Bloody screen ... SO REALY, blah blah blah secret base blah blah blah counting on you - It's exactly what Crysis 2 is).
Multiplayer is superb in its core - leveling is nice, perks are excelent, combat is fast and clever, you can snipe or go ninja style if you want to. But that beautiful core is destroyed by cheaters, lags, random hit detection and stats disapearing - it gets on your nerves pretty quick, belive me i am realy patient player and i already had enought of it.
So my final advice is: Buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 (if you don't have it already) - there is no better multiplayer experience available today and it's pretty damn cheap right now.
if you want to play a game, get crysis 1 if you havent played it. bc2 is a fun game too. crysis 2 is a run of the mill game that doesnt offer much in terms of replayability.
The multiplayer gets boring quick (as all these 'modern' death match games do). If your the type who likes to play a game for a few hours straight like me, then i found the mpllayer to get old pretty fast, and only play for a few matches every few days since it really doesnt have me wanting to come back for more. Its more of a time killing game rather than anything rewarding/competitive.
if you want to play it at some point, wait 6months to see if they release sandbox/dx11. maybe with the help of the community this game will be worth its future reduced price.