So......should i get this game.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:02 am

I've been holding off getting this game because of all the problems. Did they get most things worked out or should i hold off on getting it?
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:28 am

IMO get it. I enjoy it without any major bugs.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:58 pm

I've been holding off getting this game because of all the problems. Did they get most things worked out or should i hold off on getting it?

Ill sell you my copy for 40$
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:41 pm

IMO wait for a price drop or for the dx11( not just for dx11 but I feel by then the bugs should be worked out) patch because there are still many bugs. For the most part I was lucky and only had the crossfire problem which didn't get fixed for three weeks. For being DX9 it does look good, but doesn't give you eyegasms like C1 or warhead. I would highly recommend finding a friend that has it and playing it firsthand before. If your dying to play it rent it for a console because atm you won't really be missing anything.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:26 am

Worked out what? Most things? Nope. Some things, yes.

Basically it's a CoD with a nanosuit. Good? Bad? Up to you, but it's definitely not a sequel to C1 if that's what you're looking for.
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lillian luna
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:21 pm

The multiplayer is just terrible, dont know if that makes a difference to you. Stats/xp dont track. Hackers are rampant, cant get onto servers etc.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:56 pm

Wait a few months. Right now this game is like baby born too early.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:39 pm

The multiplayer is just terrible, dont know if that makes a difference to you. Stats/xp dont track. Hackers are rampant, cant get onto servers etc.
This! Furthermore, the multiplayer gameplay gets old very quick and the maps are extremely small. As far as innovation in multiplayer first-person-shooters, there is none here.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:39 pm

No you shouldn't
if you play cod or bfbc2 then keep play those game
c2 will gets you bored in 1 week
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Cash n Class
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:04 pm

No you shouldn't
if you play cod or bfbc2 then keep play those game
c2 will gets you bored in 1 week
Typical response from CoD player.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:23 pm

No you shouldn't
if you play cod or bfbc2 then keep play those game
c2 will gets you bored in 1 week
Typical response from CoD player.

lol nah i'm bfbc2 player

imo crysis 1 mp is better in many ways like .. vehicle or blah blah...(but ranking system in crysis1 is svcks)
crysis 2 is also good ... maybe ???
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:26 am

They're still both crap games. Provided C2 works and you find a group of non hackers to play with (seriously its not hard to organise 16 people to play with for a few hours, your isp website should have a gamers lounge, if not find one.), the game is alot of fun (provided you play anything other than IA, TIA, pro, classic, solo). Basically stick with standard objective games and you'll have a blast. If you do own cod or failcompany. Burn them.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:00 pm

Crysis 2 - CoD with a nanosuit

Buy Bad Company 2, play that until Battlefield 3 or Red Orchestra 2, don't get this crap.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:35 am

Definitely get it. The gameplay is very solid overall, and there are multiple ways of approaching most encounters (not as open as Crysis 1, but still). Keep in mind, however, that this game isn't exactly perfect. There are still a few bugs to stamp out in multiplayer (e.g. menu music, unlocks, etc.) but I'd still recommend buying it. In the long run, this game is a must-have. At the moment, this isn't worth the $60, though it eventually will be when they stamp out all the bugs and add DX11.

And to those who think Crysis 2 is CoD with a Nanosuit: don't you think the Nanosuit alone is worth buying the game for?
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:59 am

And to those who think Crysis 2 is CoD with a Nanosuit: don't you think the Nanosuit alone is worth buying the game for?

not since they maimed it. that single-handedly made me not buy the game. the nano suit v2 was made in china and assembled in mental institutions across the country.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:21 am

I don't recommend buying Crysis 2. I bought it for aprox. 35$ (digital distribution) and it's not worth the money or the nerves.
Crysis 2 story is boring as hell and stupid enemy AI makes playing even more numb. Beging is like: Hey Prophet get there and there kill that and that blah blah blah ... and my reaction was like: Why? I don't care. I am not Prophet dude. Its not fun to own such a stupid AI.
(I am yet another enemy, Bloody screen ... SO REAL, blah blah blah secret base blah blah blah counting on you - It's exactly what Crysis 2 is).
Multiplayer is superb in its core - leveling is nice, perks are excelent, combat is fast and clever, you can snipe or go ninja style if you want to. But that beautiful core is destroyed by cheaters, lags, random hit detection and stats disapearing - it gets on your nerves pretty quick, belive me i am realy patient player and i already had enought of it.

So my final advice is: Buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 (if you don't have it already) - there is no better multiplayer experience available today and it's pretty damn cheap right now.

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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:50 pm

No you shouldn't !
you will be enjoyed for a week, but after... you will ragging for all the bugs non fixed!
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 am

Well I would suggest getting it in my personal opinion its a great game albeit there are some bugs that are killing the multiplayer component. But if you have no patience (like some posters here....) I would suggest holding off til there is a couple of more patches.

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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 am

I don't recommend buying Crysis 2. I bought it for aprox. 35$ (digital distribution) and it's not worth the money or the nerves.
Crysis 2 story is boring as hell and stupid enemy AI makes playing even more numb. Beging is like: Hey Prophet get there and there kill that and that blah blah blah ... and my reaction was like: Why? I don't care. I am not Prophet dude. Its not fun to own such a stupid AI.
(I am yet another enemy, Bloody screen ... SO REALY, blah blah blah secret base blah blah blah counting on you - It's exactly what Crysis 2 is).
Multiplayer is superb in its core - leveling is nice, perks are excelent, combat is fast and clever, you can snipe or go ninja style if you want to. But that beautiful core is destroyed by cheaters, lags, random hit detection and stats disapearing - it gets on your nerves pretty quick, belive me i am realy patient player and i already had enought of it.

So my final advice is: Buy Battlefield Bad Company 2 (if you don't have it already) - there is no better multiplayer experience available today and it's pretty damn cheap right now.


if you want to play a game, get crysis 1 if you havent played it. bc2 is a fun game too. crysis 2 is a run of the mill game that doesnt offer much in terms of replayability.

The multiplayer gets boring quick (as all these 'modern' death match games do). If your the type who likes to play a game for a few hours straight like me, then i found the mpllayer to get old pretty fast, and only play for a few matches every few days since it really doesnt have me wanting to come back for more. Its more of a time killing game rather than anything rewarding/competitive.

if you want to play it at some point, wait 6months to see if they release sandbox/dx11. maybe with the help of the community this game will be worth its future reduced price.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:26 pm

No you shouldn't !
you will be enjoyed for a week, but after... you will ragging for all the bugs non fixed!


If you are looking for a simple and linear singleplayer FPS with acceptable story you can play it once.

If you played Crysis 1 and you want a stroy based on the events that happened there don't get it.

And if you are looking for a good multiplayer FPS definitaly don't get it, you will rage about the bugs and cheaters and many other things in less than a week...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:10 pm

imo it is really not worth $60. game is nerfed down from the previous Crysis 1. multiplayer gets old really fast to tell you the truth i have already stopped playing the mp because I am already bored of it, the cheaters dont help too. however im still playing the singleplayer; i havent finished the game yet. i usually finish a singleplayer game by now, but im still playing Crysis 2 bit by bit because i'd loose interest after about 30 mins.

If you are really curious and badly want to buy it, you'll find better value in the second hand market. im sure alot of peeps will already be selling off their copy.

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:04 pm

I wouldn't recommend buying it. The story is poor, the gameplay is nothing new, and there's so many bugs it's unreal. It doesn't even have the "OMG Crysis graphics!" factor going for it.

Wait until it's gone down in price a fair bit, or if there's a sale on somewhere. It's definitely not worth £30.

Save your money for some decent games; TW: Shogun 2, Portal 2, TES: Skyrim, Brink, BF3.
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