I have had problems like this for...ever it seems, but every time, it's been some small detail I've missed. I know this is probably the same situation, and I sincerely apologize for being so stone-ignorant.
The OMOD Conversion Data is the instructions for OBMM to use when it creates an OMOD out of the archive - an archive is the zipped folder from a website like TESNexus, Planet Elder Scrolls or TES Alliance.
An OMOD ready archive just means the archive has the OMOD creation info already, but you need to make the folder into an OMOD yourself using OBMM. You want to turn the ULComp165-19370-1 zipped archive itself into an OMOD.
Some mods that do not have an omod installation script need to be extracted into a folder, then you inspect the folder to make sure everything you need is inside. You can use OBMM to turn the folder into an OMOD, but this can take up to an hour with a large mod, I know this from turning 800 Mb downloads into OMODS.
I also remember what a pain trying to do this my first time was, and I disliked forgetting to mention that everything you need to do to create an OMOD is done with OBMM.
The readme for OBMM is accessed thru the "help" button, but it does not go into great detail.
EDIT http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516 is a utility that alters the order of your esp and esm files to prevent conflicts