For those of you who don't know who Sceolang is:
So I'm in a bit of a pickle.
I'm doing light RP'ing, and I've brought the little guy along on almost the entire Dawnguard main quest. He came in the Vale with me, and I was a bit worried on how he'd do. Surprisingly he did well, and made all the way to Vyrthur with Serana and myself.
I got to the part where Vyrthur brings down the ceiling, and there's a small cinematic. I got up, and in the daze I began looking for Sceo, only to find his body next to a pile of rubble. Now I really hate it when followers/dogs die (ESPECIALLY Meeko), but this literally looked like something ripped from a movie. It just happened PERFECTLY. I just kinda stood there, staring at him in disbelief.
So I'm not sure...should I roll with it? I mean, it totally adds dramatic effect, but he's only one of two huskies in the entire game. Plus I love him! He's friggin adorable! And I have a save from the middle of the fight with the Frozen Falmer, so I could easily keep him alive. Question is, should I? What would you do?