» Wed May 02, 2012 7:16 pm
I see you've already decided, still, I'll add my input:
it depends,
the gameplay in Morrowind is definitely accustomed to very select tastes (your character seemingly suspended in slow motion while running, the large blocks of dialogue akin to a book, the obscene amount of Cliff Racers, ect.) and it takes a certain type of person to overlook some of the game's more tedious moments (near the end of the game you are asked to do eight of the most boring and unimaginative quests I've ever encountered, albeit one), but in all if you find a way past the lack of streamlining, perhaps you'll enjoy it.
if so: if you're playing on PC a neccesity is to FIRST INSTALL THE MGE. I simply can't stress this enough. the architecture and artstyle are MUCH better exemplified through the mod's superior draw distance and resolution. also, make sure you invest IMMEDIATELY in speed. forget the Boots of Blinding Speed (you miss a lot of the game's finer areas), unless you enjoy running at comedic speeds akin to the roadrunner from Wild E. Coyote.
take into mind...it is nothing like Skyrim or Oblivion. NPCs don't have a schedule, they simply exist to either regurgitate rumours already spread or grant the player quests. they are seemingly oblivious to the player's actions, so dispending your disbelief is a must here moreso than even Oblivion or Skyrim (the quirks with the Radiant AI system).