Sorry guys, one more question... At what resolution do you figure the popular console versions will be rendered at? Just hypothetical. Thanks in advance!

The xbox renders most games at 720p. Playstation 3 usually does 1080p.
Also, to answer your first question with more detail, PC is the way to go if you can afford it. The mods makes it much more worth it and will make the game last for several years.However, if you don't care so much for user generated content, consoles do what they are supposed to.
Modern day consoles are equivalent to mid-range gaming PCs.
and if you have the choice, go for PC. Console skyrim will keep you entertained for months, PC version will keep you entertained for years.
flames will be had in this thread... just prepare yourself, PC vs Console threads always are.
edit for 2nd question; all systems including PC standardize at 1920 x 1080 (1080 HD)

... You ruined our "PC." streak so early...