Now I may be a little ignorant on the subject here as I havent had the chance to fully try every race in Skyrim however is it any different in Skyrim? Will the Thalmor Justicars you see traveling the roads treat your Altmer Mage with more respect than they would a Nord Barbarian, do the Nords constantly look down their nose at your Dark Elf Assassin while the Dunmer in the Grey Quarter welcome you with open arms? I have heard that during the mission where you
Personally I feel that if you are going to allow the player to choose his race then you should strive to make each playthrough as unique as possible, offer those who choose different races a wildly different experience to those who choose another race, while I know that this would be a monumental task in a game as big as Skyrim however I would be quite happy to see less content in each individual playthrough but more unique content depending on the race you choose. A good example of where your choice in race (or vampire type) has a bigger effect on the game would be Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Choosing a Malkavian would result in messed up dialogue choices and inanimate objects talking to you while choosing Nosferatu would make your character so hideous that you have to use the sewers to get around lest you frighten the humans with your grotesque appearance.
So where do you stand on the issue, would you rather have races have a bigger impact on the game or would you rather race choice be purely aesthetic?