Why can't you play the "GOTY content"?
An even better question, how did you manage to fall asleep playing the game? Or are just being glib?
GOTY wont work because my hardrive used to belong to soem one who used "LIVE" they gave it to me when they upgraded to a 250 gig I have never had "LIVE" connected to my system so the data transfer thingy is bugged so i wont be able to play the GOTY unless i get connected to "LIVE"
I recently bough a 60 GIG hardrive came with an etehrnet cable but my computer has only one etehrnet cable port which is being used by the modem , and i cant unplug the modem and put it my console because then my computers internet just goes completly :/ meaning i 100% cant connect to "LIVE"
as for falling asleep while playing the game
Ive beaten the thives guild
Dark Brother hood
and Arena Questlines
80% completed the mage guild quest line
and 5% completed teh fighters guild questline
I dont have much left to do the main quest is quite boring and my weapon and armour or almost 100% useless interms of being weapons and armour very useful at being items to help me get more items :/
and my current quest are all basically go to places with little to no lute and gather items that took more trouble to get than the reward for gettng them is worth