» Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:54 pm
the thing is theyre not integrated very well into combat. the way dragonshouts work now, theyre basically little bonus attacks you can use every now and then. i think they should have reduced cooldowns, but combat should generally be more difficult to compensate. make shout use tactical and an integral part of gameplay, instead of a cheat move you can use in a hairy situation.
of course then people would complain that they dont want their character to have to rely on shouts, and they would be pretty justified in saying so. to me that just says having a combat mechanic universal to all characters in a TES game was a pretty dumb idea; either its poorly integrated, or its highjacking people's characters.
so, i guess, shouts should have their own skill and perk tree. that way you could focus on them and make them an integral part of your playstyle, or just ignore them completely. it would take some gameplay rebalancing, but its not like we didnt end up needing plenty of rebalancing anyway :spotted owl: .