should skyrim get the game of the year award?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:11 pm

I voted Battlefield 3.

The most enjoyable game I've played in 2 years.

Skyrim is far too broken.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 am

I voted Skyrim. There hasn't been a game in my life that has put a spell on me like this game has.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 am

Yes. Yes it should
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:44 am

I love Skyrim and i expect it to win Goty..But i would like to see BF3 win it. I'm all for Pushing the boundries and moving things forward. Dice need praise for this.
Bf3 is the best looking game out there bar none. I'm not talking Single player BF3 either(which don't interest me atall) BF3 is a Multiplayer game in my eyes,single player, weather it good or bad is just a little bonus.

Saying that ,i havn't played Bf3 since Skyrim came out lol...(but will play it loads more when i finnish or get bored of skyrim)

Love both games.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:00 am

im actually going with saints row 3... im just going to say it, that game is revolutionary. it is perhaps the 1st game in history to have its own identity. yes, the game that started out as a GTA clone is the 1st in history to have its own thing going on.

it knows exactly what it is and exactly what you want from it. none of the wishy-washy "RPG and CoD playerz can all luv it" crap. saints row says "you want a balls-to-the-wall sandbox of insanity? here is your order, sir."

skyrim says "you want an RPG? uhh...what flavor? would you like some action with that? umm... ill just give you the super-deluxe premium family meal and you can just eat the parts you like."

the super-deluxe premium family meal is really nice and all, but saints row is like the happy waiter that gets your order right the first time and is right there when you need something else :spotted owl: .
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:09 am

If it was glitchless, without a shadow of a doubt. As it is, it will be close between it and Arkham City.
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:22 pm

I'm in a dilemma.. 49% The Witcher II, 51% Skyrim, I say.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:51 pm


Skyrim is large, yes. The scenery is breathtaking, yes.
But the storylines are abysmal. Everything simply feels rushed and there's little substance. I've heard so [censored] many speeches filled with emotion, but the speech-giver never actually SAYS anything with actual substance.
And the NPCs. Are the NPCs even aware of my existence? I just saved the world from dragons. I'm the friggin' archmage. Does ANYONE care? Do I get ANY rewards for doing these things? No?
Perks and the level-scaling system don't go hand in hand too well either. This is why damage-increasing perks are bad: you don't actually end up making yourself stronger, but rather you prevent yourself from getting weaker. When I take that 20% extra claymore damage perk, the problem is everyone else has also gained 20% more health. They cancel out, whereas my bow damage, which I couldn't get the perk for? Yeah, that's absolute garbage damage output now....

Skyrim is probably the biggest game on that list, content-wise, and yet I feel as if the writing department not only took a few steps back, they fell down a flight of stairs in the process. I don't think any game that neglects the factions, the lore and the character customization that bad should be rewarded.
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steve brewin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:56 am

well, i think mine craft would deserve it simply for being really unorthodox but successfull at the same time...i like that out of the box do i really love mount & blade...

but i truly believe, the best of the listed games is the witcher 2... it is (in my opinion) the game with the best atmosphere that is the most polished and the small developper team would really deserve it for pulling something like that off...

but dead island...seriously?? i mean its a nice/ok game, but nowhere near the class, immersion or quality of the witcher 2 or skyrim

i think dark souls is also a nice "arcade / console" game...but immersion is 0
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:39 am

i voted mw3
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:22 am

i voted mw3

epic fail
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 pm

I enjoyed the Witcher immensely, played it constantly once I got it, after 35 hours my old computer decided to wipe its hard drive, so I played through again this time as an Alchemist, and had just as much fun. That was my vote for game of the year. However, I don't think it will be able to pull the vote, perhaps because it is PC only (I'm aware other platform specific games such as the first Deus Ex and Uncharted 2 have won GotY before).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:32 pm

I enjoyed the Witcher immensely, played it constantly once I got it, after 35 hours my old computer decided to wipe its hard drive, so I played through again this time as an Alchemist, and had just as much fun. That was my vote for game of the year. However, I don't think it will be able to pull the vote, perhaps because it is PC only (I'm aware other platform specific games such as the first Deus Ex and Uncharted 2 have won GotY before).

witcher 2 isnt pc only...i simply think you need to give such a small studio credit for such a wonderfull immersive piece of art...i just think story telling the witcher 2 is WAY ahead of skyrim, on the other hand skyrim has freedom of choice...

my vote would go to skyrim if the story was a bit more immersive, the faction quests were a bit more interesting and it would have a bit more of that wit that the fallout games have...
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Solène We
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:06 pm

I don't see how a game with this many flaws (and I do not mean the multiple bugs) could possibly get close to game of the year. The game has great things in it, true, but also some realy really bad things too (menu/combat interface, primitive graphics, incompetent developer and/or QA). To get GotY with this many issues would be a travesty for any game, no matter how amazing SOME of it is. GotY needs to be ALL amazing.
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claire ley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:13 am

In my opinion, the best games of this year are dark souls and skyrim.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:35 am

NO. It does not deserve game of the year with all the bugs and all the flaws that is has.

Right now mine would go to Deus Ex Human Revolution.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:21 am

uncharted 3 easily so far......... but probably mass effect 3 when it comes out it will be included in the same year
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:59 pm

It has been an underwhelming year with a lot of drudge, so Skyrim is really the only game deserving a GoTY. Heck, Batman is considered one of the best games released this year, and that speaks volumes of how bad this year has been.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:34 am

uncharted 3 easily so far.........
Isn't a game.

Dead Island:
Great potential, but it misses a lot to be great.

Dark Souls:
Cool Hack&Slay, but I see nothing amazing here.

Amazing game, but sadly again with a lot of flaws. Could be GOTY, if there are no better ones.

Isn't a game.

Gears of War 3?
Never heard of it.

Saints Row 3:
Haven't checked it out yet, but looks like GTAIV only with FUN. Might be a very damn great game. Definetly a contender for GOTY.

Also GOTY worthy. Single Player is a bad joke, but MP kicks serious asses.

Isn't a game.

WWE 2012?
Never heard of it.

Batman Arkham City:
Nice Jump&Run/BeatEmUp game, but nothing amazing here.

Skyward Sword:
Haven't checked it out yer. Zelda was always great ... I liked 2D Zelda much more than 3D though. Dunno if it's GOTY worthy.

Definetly my vote for GOTY! This game reminded a lot of gamers (and hopefully developers), that gameplay > graphics.
It's also very unique ... the amount of freedom, the amount of creativity, that indescribable feeling of living in your OWN house/castle/cave/etc. .. living in your OWN world, working in your world together with your friends, try to survive, build up something, go on adventures, ...
Actually I still don't know how to really describe the amazingness of MC, but I really really hope, that we all learn something from it.

Deus Ex HR:
Great setting/atmosphere, but gameplay wise it just didn't get me. It's not bad .. I like the basic approach. Still it's just not "deep" enough to convince me.

Witcher 2:
Haven't really played that game so far, but it's definetly a contender for GOTY.
I'm not a fan of its linear design, but still it seems to be a great game.

Portal 2:
Oops .. haven't yet played it. Loved Portal 1.
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