Well, from one point of view, I'll say "they're not going to make your game, sorry." :shrug:
From the other point of view.... I feel that way all the time in OB. I've never tried to attack a guard. And when I run into something genuinely threatening (i.e, not a couple road bandits when I'm lv20), I do hope that my armor's repaired, I've got potions, etc.
(Like.... I'm currently playing Shivering Isles for the first time. Just went through a couple Knight of Order dungeons. I'm lv17-18. Been using an "stat gains are always +5" mod, so my stats are pretty awesome. 90 str/80 end, ~70ish agi/spd. I'm wearing 60 points worth of light armor & shield spells. And getting attacked by 3 Knights tells me that I'm in for a somewhat tough fight. Need to watch my blocks, dodge, concentrate on one target, etc. And I'll be needing to use my healing spells and potions. And then there are the bigger fights..... I've been jumped by 5 knights. Or 4 and a caster. Lots of running and healing there.)
edit: oh, this is on Normal difficulty, with Francesco's leveled creatures & items mod