Like many of the "improvements" in MW, they took something that needed fixing and replaced it with something else that also needed fixing. Going from NO magic regen to a "human flamethrower" who can spam "flare" spells all day almost without a break was an over-reaction to the complaints about the lack of Magicka regeneration. I liked MW's noticably deeper magicka pool (or was it the same pool, but less expensive spells?), but hated the fact that you constantly either had to find a bed or spam potions to replenish it. MW's Enchantments worked excellently in that regard: slow enough regen that you had to use them conservatively and intelligently, but fast enough that you rarely had to speed the process by manually refilling with soulgems. Oddly, OB took away the regen of enchanted items, and a lot of people then complained about how they hated "charges". The two problems were just swapped between the two games. A middle ground would have made a lot more sense.
I want to see a regen rate that requires INTELLIGENT play as a Mage, but doesn't cripple their potential. If I want to run around and mindlessly destroy stuff, I'll play a barbarian Fighter.
I want to see a regen rate that requires INTELLIGENT play as a Mage, but doesn't cripple their potential. If I want to run around and mindlessly destroy stuff, I'll play a barbarian Fighter.
Right now I am running under the assumption that everyone starts with 100 magicka and that you can chose to gain 10 more each level up.. plus that either some perks give some magicka or that every magic perk on top of whatever it does adds 10 magicka.
As for regen its been heavily hinted there is regen but that its slow enough that at least on some battles we will need to drink potions to manage it.