Should Skyrim Have Slower Magicka Regeneration?

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:20 am

Yeh sure. Maybe like doubling over to catch your breath or something, or blacking out or seeing spots of light for a short while, or having the color fade from the world when your pushing yourself too far(running out of mana). Standard cooldowns would work too I guess.

I like those ideas.

I think there should be a dramatic concept added to Bethesda's spellcasting system: that of Prepared Spells....

I think some very powerful spells should not be allowed to be cast in battle in real-time. I feel they should be prepared in advance. Some could be prepared 1-2 hours prior to you being able to use it. Upon casting the spell, which can only be prepared, a timer begins to count down. The spell points are slowly siphoned off of your maximum until the spell's magicka costs are reached. So if you have 100 Magicka but the spell cost 25, then your Maximum Magicka after preparing that spell will be 75 until the spell is actually cast and discharges (releases) that magicka back into your full pool.

Some spells of an even greater kind should take 6-8 hours in game, and some should take 24 hours in game. That would make the use of those spells extremely rare, and when they are used, they should be quite dramatic and awesome to behold. Make them worth the wait. And you know, this is only for a small few Greater Spells, not every spell, anyway. Most spells (90%) could be real-time cast spells and the rest could be Prepared spells.

In this way, the magicka would simulate being slower to regenerate for certain key spells, while allowing for the majority of spells to be cast frequently enough to make the game still fluid enough and fun enough not to lose the joy in it for those who use magick exclusively and need to use it fairly rapidly such as when looting dungeons.

Using this system, I dare say some more evolved battles later in the game would require some strategy as to how to prepare for the battle requiring days in advance to really "prepare" for the battle. That could really require some strategic thinking and planning, and not just run off half-cocked into the thick of battle like a meathead warrior. Mages do have to be tactical, and this would add to that immersion of that role, I think.

I don't agree with the planning thing, since I think that would take the life out of magic use, but the bold part I highlighted in your post is THE key issue. Magic should, at times, be absolutely dramatic and awesome to behold. To keep things balanced, this should come at a COST, and making away to limit the amount of awesome magic you can cast in a given time would be the solution to the problem. HOW we go about doing that is the real subject of debate for those of us who don't want magic to just be a different type of sword or a glorified projectile, but I like Achromatis' idea a great deal. Have our mage have to catch his breath or nearly faint after using his most powerful magic.

Actually to supplement this idea, slower regen, with only slightly larger reserves. However, a player should be able to 'store' additional magicka above their normal reserves. Actions like drawing power from a magickal well would give you raw magicka, instead of a temporary fortify magicka effect. The caveat to this raw magicka is that once it is expended, it is gone for good. This would be a good way to increase the amount of energy for a battle, but would also encourage tactical conservation, as this 'bonus' magicka would not regenerate. This could be a backup reserve for when your personal magicka runs out. Absorb magicka spells could be more useful if you could store the unused energy for a future fight.

I always liked the idea perpetrated in the Eragon books with precious stones being able to store magickal energy. So, having a high quality ring or amulet with a stone, a mage would be able to store more additional magicka, while lower quality jewelry would hold less additional energy. Also, if you knew you weren't goning to be in a fight anytime soon, you could store your magicka away for future use.

All this could be implemented as a perk, instead of a default ability. Perhaps ability to store magicka could be related to Willpower, with lower levels only storing part of what they are absorbing.

Pretty good ideas. I think it would add some presentation elements is Achromatis' idea is incorporated as well: having the mage take deep breaths and such after a powerful spell, etc.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 12:44 pm

Dont forget it looks like skyrim involes larger groups of enemies so likely the mage will have to be casting more before most fights are over.. We know magicka stores go up every level IF you pick magicka... we dont know how bretons and altmer fare magicka wise this time.... We know there are no birthsigns this time....
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:51 am

Simply, no.

To elaborate, I can stand there and swing a Claymore all day so I should be able to do the same with spells.

The more I think about this, the more I agree. Especially in a game where they've talked about making it viable to play as a pure mage, I don't want constantly to be interrupting what I'm doing to replenish my magicka. A low level mage should have to think as carefully about casting a Weak Fireball as a low level warrior should have to think about hitting something with his sword. Not that I shouldn't have to make stat choices that support spellcasting, but avoiding skill use for fear of running out of mana isn't fun. I can imagine the game including a couple super-powerful spells that would exhaust the mage, but mana supply should be a non-issue for bread and butter casting.

This should also apply to NPC mages. I don't want to find myself winning battles with either a melee or a caster character because my opponent went OOM.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:16 pm


Could they make the spells require more magicka, or make the spells weaker?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 6:11 pm

Have it tied into the number of mage perks you pick.If you do not pick any of them magicka regenerates very slowly.This would make non mage types dependent on potions if they wanted to cast spells.If you pick exclusively mage perks it would regenerate rapidly.Allowing the "pure" mages the power they desire.

As an aside did the NPCs in MW have a chance of failing to cast a spell as the PC?

FOB PC mage meets noob mage outside Seyda Neen

PC: Cast flare(fizzles)
Noob: Casts shock(fizzles)
PC: Casts flare(fizzles)
Noob: Casts shock(fizzles)
PC "Hold on I am out of magicka.
Noob "Yeah me too"
PC "So what do we do now?"
Noob "Dunno..I have a dagger maybe we fight with those?"
PC "I am worse with a dagger than my spells so it could get embarassing."
Noob "I know let's take a nap for an hour or so and try again"
PC "Deal"
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:28 am

So you're saying you don't want playing a mage to be possible/practical?

No? I want playing a mage be more like playing a scientist than playing a warrior. Thinking in advance, using magical means (that out-perform weapons by far) in combination with the environment to overcome difficult situations.


Cave with a lava stream. Warrior can't do nothing and has to retreat. Mage can fly over it.

A large group of well equipped enemies. Warrior can't do nothing, Mage uses invisibility magic to sneak through the area.

A very important target among a lot of guards. Warrior can't do nothing, mage uses a spell to order one of the guards to backstab the target without putting his own life at risk.

An important artifact has been found but is inside a strange crystal cube that can only be opened by magical means. Warrior can only hit the cube, possibly breaking the artifact or triggering protection magic; mage uses anolysis spells to locate the magical trap, defuses it by magical means and then opens toe crystal, too by magical means.

An important artifact has to be protected. A warrior can lock it up and kill anyone who tries to get near it, risking his life and spending a lot of time on watching that area, or paying guards to do it for him. A mage creates a strange crystal cube that can only be opened by magical means and adds a magical trap to it...

And many more situations there are in which a profane character cannot do anything at all. Since mages can do things that non-mage will never be able to do, they should be limited in how much of that they can do.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 6:16 pm

For some reason, people seem to think spam-casting is the only way to play a mage.

Playing a mage shouldn't be spamming a spell button, just like melee shouldn't be about spamming the swing button. It's not about how big a spell you can continually cast, but carefully choosing which spells to cast. In almost any good RPG playing a mage comes down to careful management of your magical resources and there's really no reason that ES games should be an exception.

I'd say, increase the players default magicka cap, make regen more gradual. Temporarily slow magicka regen after a spell is cast. This will allow you to cast more freely in general combat but have to spend carefully in a tough fight. Also, if magicka regenerates slower after being cast, it will allow you to regain more magicka between combat so repetitive or frivolous combat won't require management, but you will have to manage more carefully in a serious battle.

Doing this will allow them to make dangerous areas more interesting and big battles a far more involved fight that would feel distinctly different from combat with random spawning encounters. You might have to include strategies like slowing the enemy or keeping distance so that you can go without casting a bit to regen magicka. Using more efficient damage over time spells. This would also make consumables a real option.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 3:28 pm

Spamming potions is a horrible mechanic and offers anything but fluid combat.

I'm sure they will have decent magicka regen which will increase as you level.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:08 pm

For some reason, people seem to think spam-casting is the only way to play a mage.

Huh? I haven't found spam casting to be an issue in TES, barring practice spells. Rather the problem has been finding myself falling back on my sword and bow more than I'd like with some characters. To play a pure mage you need not to have to worry that casting a couple unlock spells will leave you overly vulnerable when you turn that next corner.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:54 am

I liked how OOO mod addressed this. Each successive point in Willpower magika regeneration increased exponentially. This made it so a warrior type class that had put little into willpower had very slow regeneration, much slower than standard Oblivion at the same level of Willpower. While casters with high willpower, 75+ regenerated magika faster than standard Oblivion. This prevented the non casters focus character from spaming spells while allowing a high level caster to cast moderate-strong spells fairly frequently, without always having to run while waiting for mana to regen.

Agreed. As a spellcaster specialist, you were still fairly limited in how many spells you could cast before you ran out of magicka but, if you weren't in a serious situation, you could still run away and not have to waste potions. You still had to chug potions in significant fights.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

No way, keep it like Oblivion.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 12:40 pm

Huh? I haven't found spam casting to be an issue in TES, barring practice spells. Rather the problem has been finding myself falling back on my sword and bow more than I'd like with some characters. To play a pure mage you need not to have to worry that casting a couple unlock spells will leave you overly vulnerable when you turn that next corner.

Which is exactly why you should have a deeper pool to begin with. That or not rely on magic to do everything for you. Magicka is a resource and consuming it should have a appreciable cost. If there isn't, there is no since in having it to begin with. Sort of like fatigue which wasn't used in any appreciable sense in Oblivion.
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jess hughes
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 5:41 pm

I was satisfied with the way mana refreshed on Oblivon and believed that it was done at an acceptable rate. My more melee less magicka inclined characters have a slow refresh rate compared to (say) the Necromancer I'm currently playing.

So honestly I don't see the reason to change it at all.

Fatigue, on the other hand, I think needs to be changed quite a bit. Not to Morowhine's system of not recovering but definitely not Oblivion's way of recovering while you're frigging running!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 1:58 pm

I want the magicka regeneration and cost and total DPS (damage per second) of destruction spells to be fairly equal to a similary skilled sowrds fighter in melee. Either meaning very slow regeneration and powerful spells, or fast regeneration and weak spells. But no-one wants to cast weak spells. So as long as, in the long run, the DPS is almost the same as a melee characters or bow users and not vastly under or over, then it's cool. Magic still would have the advantage of using weaknesses to elements on their targets without that adding to the forumla in any way.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:39 pm

Magicka is a resource and consuming it should have a appreciable cost. If there isn't, there is no since in having it to begin with. Sort of like fatigue which wasn't used in any appreciable sense in Oblivion.

The size of your mana pool and your rate of regen form brakes on the size of spell you can cast and how often you can cast such spells. Normal casting needn't place you at risk of going OOM for the stat to be meaningful. Also, they've said that they want to support playing as a pure mage, which means the game needs to provide magic specialists with a mana pool that is adequate for both non-combat as well as combat casting. Moving alchemy to stealth suggests to me that potions will be used more by non-mages. Waiting around for resources to regenerate is just boring so I'm assuming that they won't rely on it in a disruptive way..
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:23 am

I want the magicka regeneration and cost and total DPS (damage per second) of destruction spells to be fairly equal to a similary skilled sowrds fighter in melee. Either meaning very slow regeneration and powerful spells, or fast regeneration and weak spells. But no-one wants to cast weak spells. So as long as, in the long run, the DPS is almost the same as a melee characters or bow users and not vastly under or over, then it's cool. Magic still would have the advantage of using weaknesses to elements on their targets without that adding to the forumla in any way.

From what I have read so far mages will likely have a dps much higher then warriors because warriors are concidered much more defense oriented this time then mages are.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:58 pm

From what I have read so far mages will likely have a dps much higher then warriors because warriors are concidered much more defense oriented this time then mages are.

I havn't heard anything like that, quite the opposite. It's posttible to have a shield and aspell at the same time. Very defensive. If they are better than melee in damage too, then the imbalance is going to be fairly visible.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 5:29 pm

They cant block with the shield if they have a spell ready in the other hand.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 am

Guys. A mage is not a warrior. A fighter should me much more effective in normal one on one combat than a mage.

A mage, however, should be the fantasy version of a scientist. He shouldn't be throwing around fireballs all the time, that's the most basic and boring incarnation of magic. Combat mages should of course have to rely on their melee skills as well.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:35 am

No? I want playing a mage be more like playing a scientist than playing a warrior. Thinking in advance, using magical means (that out-perform weapons by far) in combination with the environment to overcome difficult situations.

Your description of "can only cast a few spells without resting or potions + potions are nigh unusable (addiction + not usable in combat + breakage) seems very much like "I don't want playable mages".


Additional issues - if the ES games were really "RP" games with lots of talking your way through stuff, that might work. But with the games full of dungeons & lands full of constantly hostile enemies, having "don't fight" as a major tactic doesn't seem workable.

Also, if standard mage tactics is "don't cast your spells", how shall they level their casting skills?

Edit: actually, taking it to it's logical extent..

Limit the amount of carryable potions to a realistic amount too, add the chance of overdosing them, make consuming them an animation that can be interrupted and have a chance with each hit/fall damage taken that one or more potions might break.

These changes would make the Alchemy skill not terribly useful (since you'd have to apply the same standards to all potions), and would further make even melee combat something to avoid (if mages can't cast much magic, fighters certainly won't be able to count on some healing spell support from Restoration; and between harmful potion effects, inability to use potions in combat, and the fact all their potions would have been broken anyway, they won't have chemical healing either.)

The problem is that, at it's base, the ES games are combat centered. Avoiding all combat would make Oblivion kind of hard, for example (all those Oblivion gates, for example. And many of the Mage Guild recommendation quests. And the Fighter's guild quests. And..... well, you get the idea.) Very few situations you can just talk your way out of.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:37 pm

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:44 pm

It really depended on your class, and many other factors as well. If you're a high enough level that you have the ability to spam said fireballs, then I say you've earned it.
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:09 am

Your description of "can only cast a few spells without resting or potions + potions are nigh unusable (addiction + not usable in combat + breakage) seems very much like "I don't want playable mages".


Additional issues - if the ES games were really "RP" games with lots of talking your way through stuff, that might work. But with the games full of dungeons & lands full of constantly hostile enemies, having "don't fight" as a major tactic doesn't seem workable.

Also, if standard mage tactics is "don't cast your spells", how shall they level their casting skills?

Edit: actually, taking it to it's logical extent..

These changes would make the Alchemy skill not terribly useful (since you'd have to apply the same standards to all potions), and would further make even melee combat something to avoid (if mages can't cast much magic, fighters certainly won't be able to count on some healing spell support from Restoration; and between harmful potion effects, inability to use potions in combat, and the fact all their potions would have been broken anyway, they won't have chemical healing either.)

The problem is that, at it's base, the ES games are combat centered. Avoiding all combat would make Oblivion kind of hard, for example (all those Oblivion gates, for example. And many of the Mage Guild recommendation quests. And the Fighter's guild quests. And..... well, you get the idea.) Very few situations you can just talk your way out of.

Oh yes, that's absolutely true. I do want the games to actually become role playing games, not action games with role playing elements. Every fight should be dangerous. Non-fighter characters should be afraid of combat against enemies who aren't way below their level (not skill level, I mean enemies of a type that is truly easy to beat, like a single, weak animal). Fighter characters should have great respect as well when they face a properly equipped and trained foe - if a town guards points a bow at me and tells me to stop, the least logical thing to do should be to run up to him and try to kill him. Even as a warrior character a weapon pointed at me should make me feel in great danger.
I want to FEEL like I'm fighting, and this does not work if I'm not afraid of losing. And I want this feeling not only in "boss-fights" or something. If I travel along a road and suddenly two bandits step in front of me, as a mage I should think "Oh damn! I hope I still have a teleportation scroll and enough time to read it out", as a stealth type character I should think something along the lines of "Oh no! If it comes to a fight I'll most likely lose since those are two fighters and they aren't badly equipped, both wear light armor and have an axe and shield each. I'd best give them what they want or talk my way out of here somewhere..." and as a fighter type character I want to think things like "By the gods, why did I not see them in time to prepare myself? Now my helmet is still at my belt and I don't have time to put it on, if they hit my head I'm done for! Okay, you are prepared for this... I'll just draw my sword and... May the gods give me the strength."

I do NOT want to feel like "Oh, finally, another fight. Let's see... Ah, this time I'll be using this-and-that weapon. I hope I won't be hit too many times, or I'll need to buy a new repair hammer for my armor...". That's not the feeling of combat, that's silly.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 1:27 pm

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Ah, yes, that's an excellent point, well you see, the issue is that many people feel that it actually is broke.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 4:28 pm

This is a poor poll. It doesn't give any senario based options. For example, should the magicka regen slower in general? No.

Should magicka regen slower for warrior classes? Yes

Should magicka regen slower for Mage classes? No

A 'Yes' or 'No' poll for an area of the game that has literally thousands of senarios hasn't had much thought. IMO.
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