Technically Bethesda isn't really an individual dev. company they were bought by Zenimax 12 years ago, back when Bethesda was looking at going bankrupt. It's got a board, stockholders and everything. However Zenimax was also co founded by Chris Weaver, Bethesda's founder. And they've pretty much let Bethesda run their own show.
At least that's what I've heard.
Also not every thing that gets turned to manure can be blamed souly on EA or Activision. There subsidiaries have found ways to screw it up on their own.
And I would also argue that Blizzard had turned to the dark side long before they married Activision.
Zenimax isn't publicly traded company and just privately owned.
Board members such as Jerry Bruckheimer and Cal Ripken jr, is pretty cool.
They keep growing, I'm curious to their finances if they are always in the 'black' and very strong etc.
At least it seems they are getting bigger and bigger with more studios bought up and publishing more and more.
This is why no one ever has a clue about their finances and sales figures unless they release it.