I've played the game on pc, but not finished. i have came to point where i met with house, and stoped there. Also i tried to did most of the side quest, but i believe i have only done A LOT little, i mean only the ones i occasionally came across, but i'm sure there was so little and there are plenty of more contect left on the game.. i also havent discovered half of the locations. i cleaned the freeside, and met with house.
But the thing is, i'm a total stupid, and obsesed with chooses on games, and in this game, there was an huge major choice, between house, legion, ncr, and indepented. so i ended up searching for what side should i choose on internet.. but appreatnly i searched too far, that i spoiled the hole main story to my self!!!! O.O

So my questoin is, i will get a fallout game on my ps3, because i find it uncomfartable on my pc, also my gpu is very low.. soo, i was wondering, should i buy new vegas, or start a fresh run on fallout 3, which ionly played 4-5 hour on fallout 3.. even havent finded rivet city yet..
Soo, i'm asking this because when 2 games compared, i find new vegas much more entartaining than fallout 3, also much less "creepy and uncomfortable envoirment", also there is hardcoe mod on new vegas (YAY), soo my question is, is this game worth to play a fresh run where i know much of the things on main story, and spoiled my self? Or is there still things that i will be suprise and amazing contect? And in that conditions it is still better choise than fallout 3 run?
Thanks for reading and answernig, also i would like to have your opinion about what faction would be most exciting and suprising and entartaining on new, without spoilers^^ and dont try to explain it is enouhg to just tell the faction, i'm just asking nob ig deal^^