Yes they should, they should actually be either nvde or topless. And more female ghoul strippers and some prosttutes. The chance to save a [censored]house ah-la firefly style would be a cool homage to the show.
NOOOO, it would add realism, but its completely useless, when there is ZOOOOMUZHPRONONDAINTERNIETZ.
They are more like there for flavour and immersion, imagine walking into Gomorrah and all the "unnecessary" people had been removed. Yeah, and empty place. Just like the generic gamblers there add flavour, the hokers/strippers do too. Since Gomorrah is supposed to be a palace of sin, a den of six and gamble, of course there needs to elements to give you the feeling and immersion of such things going on. Although it still doesn't feel too alive as it is now on this game engine, with how stupid NPC's just act in general, and the animations and all.
Better then nothing
and if u got the will to RP then those things are good enough (im not that good of a RP player, i only RP that my char is fighting for something special and he′s background and thats it)
Have you actually played FO3? Most of the Rivet City stories were at least interesting to think about after a playthrough like the Robot guy, or the Trouble in Home front.. or the ghouls fight for the Tenpenny Tower (which was pointless in the end but still worth the play through) where as Vegas offers you mainly "search and retrieve" crap most of the time. If you think missions like:
Stripper: "Hey, get that guy a few feet across from us to talk to me because I can't just call him over myself." if entertaining then my point is proven.
No, thats just what much of the quests in Vegas were about. Some of them u can even do violently and then its kinda fun right? Fallout 3′s quests were fun too, but i kinda hate the combat in fallout 3 (unrealistic and no iron sight)