Khajiit ( dont have name yet )
He is basically a hard core fighting assassin. I dont have background story written up yet because he just came to me... But he was a Slumdog Khajiit who had to learn how to fist fight and work with blade all on his own. Never had family or friends, but is really good with people. Best at fighting with hands, but sometimes has to pull out his blade. No form of magic what so ever. Never learned the art of magic. Sneaky, and doesnt mind killing if it is necessary or under other circumstances. Doesnt mind stealing either.
His class would look something like this ( but not excatly because I would change it once I completely figure him out )
Strength & Endurance
Hand to Hand
Armorer (maybe)
Merchantile (probally)
So input, feedback, notes, suggestions...Anything is good :dance: