We see these topics on nudity, children, dismemberment, foul language etc. and everyone seems to get up in arms about it.
However, I'm under the strong belief that TES should be more of an 'advlt' game. I know this a fantasy RPG, but I believe there's plenty of RPG/Action games out there for kids. Ala Zelda. Don't get me wrong on this, I loved Zelda: Ocarina of time, and think it's one of the best games of all time. I was playing it first came out and would happily play it again now at the age of 27.
However, the games I tend to enjoy the most have advlt themes to them. Not because I need some fix of violence, nudity or swearing, but more because it adds a sense of realism to the game. Take RDR, Heavy Rain, LA Noire, Uncharted, MGS 4 etc. In my opinion, they didn't play on the advlt bandwagon, but simply acknowledged the general audience would be 18+
I appreciate that Bethesda are pitching to the widest audience. It's only good business sense, and I do understand that mods will rectify most of anyone's concerns.
I don't plan on going around trying to dismember people, or take off their armour to take a look at their tallywackers, but I believe the option should be there if I so choose to!
My question is about the vanilla copy of Skyrim. Am I the only one that believes it should be a more advlt orientated game? Try to keep it clean and not descend into a flame war.