Basically the 2 map packs are currently unplayable on xbox & have been for some time (about a week after release) unless you play in a private match. I along with most of the xbox players could count on one hand the number of times ive played these maps & i imagine the PS3 users have suffered the same fate.
Now im not sure if its possible but between Crytek, EA & xbox live can the decision be made to make these maps free & include them in the regular map rotation? Bare in mind this is coming from a customer who has purchased both map packs!
It seems that less & less people are playing & the game is dying a slow death. Adding the maps would regenerate interest & could attract returning players. New players would be more likely to stick with the game & players like myself who bought the maps can actually get some use from them! It would also mean thats its not been a complete waste of dev time creating these maps!
So does it just come down to profit (not prohpet)? If that is the case how many more map packs will be purchased for Crysis? None would be my answer for the console versions & if some poor sap does buy them then they have clearly been ripped off.
So i hope ive not ranted too much. Add the maps to the roation & breathe new life into this game....please!