But hardcoe mode is also optional and yet there is a reward for that. So I assume you're also against the hardcoe mode trophy/achievement? Personally i find vats to be, well too easy.
In FO3, sure. In NV, no way. If you dont sink perks into vats stuff its pretty bad.
i.e. Your aim is damn near perfect when not in vats, You could pretty much one shot people out of vats at long range with the sniper rifle all day long, but I cannot count the times ive gone into vats, and every bullet I fire misses.
if you only played one playthrough of NV and did it without vats, that would explain why you didnt realize how gimped it is in NV. keep in mind in this version mods can hit and hurt you in vats, so its somewhat difficult to see what, if any advantage it brings other than getting to see yourself kill something in slow motion.