Ok, so, sure, if you take unkillable NPCs out you can ruin the game and quest progressions, yaddayadda. You might tell me to go back and play Morrowind, but, listen, it would add to the realism if they brought back the ability to kill anyone. The solution for not accidentally screwing up something in the game by killing important and quest specific NPCs, is to have a symbol on them that marks them as important, so you'll know, but the option to kill them would still be there.
Say you wanted to kill one of the Jarl's in Skyrim and take over their throne. You can't. I just think the option to kill anyone SHOULD be there, just for role play purposes and to improve immersion or realism. Anyone agree? Like I said, the option to kill anyone would work out just fine if there was a way to distinguish between important NPCs.
Also, I'm perfectly aware that there are mods for this very thing and just about everything. So yeah.