Shouldn't there have been another Dragon Break

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

I just saw Return of the King again, and was thinking about the destruction of the ring... How, it's like the Heart in a way ; Drawing upon the powers of a god (Melkor) and whoever comes into contact with it is corrupted and driven bad and mad.

You know how it goes; yay, we've won! OMG the mountain ecsploded... Poor Frodo...

Right there, I thought that's some pretty big stuff going on. Kinda like one of the pillars of divinity being torn out of reality, hmmm? But not much happened after that. Everyone went on thier daily lives, kings and queen knelt at the soon to be deceased emperor's command, and so on.

If the appearance of divinity caused the Dragon to Break, why didn't the dissapearance of divinity seem to cause nothing to break?
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:57 am

Perhaps there was a break, but the effects were not seen.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:06 am

Perhaps there was a break, but the effects were not seen.

Perhaps it was Hash Bash at Bethesda and they darn forgot.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 am

Once a god always a god, perhaps. All they lost were some levels and hit dice.

The Lunar Lattice is what broke.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

Yeah. New gods only emerge when a Dragon Break occurs (and/or vice versa). There would have been a Dragon Break had the Nerevarine not stopped Dagoth Ur from completing Akulakhan.

However, Paws is right - the events at Red Mountain led directly to the events of Oblivion.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

If the appearance of divinity caused the Dragon to Break, why didn't the dissapearance of divinity seem to cause nothing to break?

When the young gods are not controlling time individually, it just runs on it's own.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 am

My friends, allow me to quote the mysterious commentator from the

"Uncle, what is the last confirmed record of the Tribunal? My tutor always answered my questions about their fate only with 'All divine endure.'"

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:15 pm

If the appearance of divinity caused the Dragon to Break,

Its alot more complicated then that,t hat's a simple way of explaining it.

If this where the case, whenever a Daedra enters or leaves Mundus (which happens quite often) there would be a dragon break. However, this clearly doesn't happen, so it is something deeper.

It is not the presence of divinity on Mundus that causes a dragon break, but rather the presence of a new divinity (one that belongs to a different timeline) itself involves breaking the dragon.

For example, when Mannimarco ascended, he broke the dragon. He fed on the energies of a would-be-god (Numidium, which was probebly a complete god in another timeline) and a soon-to-be-god (Talos, who didn't become a god until after the Underking found rest). Thus, Mannimarco broke the dragon (dying linear time by feeding on the energies of two beings that didn't exist at the time) and merged two timelines, one i8n which he was always a god, and the crrent one in which he was a mortal.

This just didn't compute for Akatosh. His systems short-circuited, and hence the dragon break.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:29 am

It is not the presence of divinity on Mundus that causes a dragon break, but rather the presence of a new divinity (one that belongs to a different timeline) itself involves breaking the dragon.

That is your ward against the Mnemoli. They run blue, through noise, and shine only when the earth trembles with the eruption of the newly-mantled. Tell them "Go! GHARTOK AL MNEM! God is come! NUMI MORA! NUM DALAE MNEM!" - Commentaries

"...Of special note is the Blue Star, which the Alesstics call ‘Mnemoli', that runs through this part of the Aurbis every untime. The psijiics hold it in much reverence, and many of their folk make pilgrimages to Veloth when it appears because a mountain there catches fire at its passing. This mountain is reputed to be one of the last refuges of the Dwemer before they departed from this world...

"...according to the texts, Mnemoli is a wayward child of ANU, one of a pantheon of forgotten deities known as the ‘Star Orphans'... a tribe of gods and goddesses that apparently felt abandoned when the Sun Withdrew from the World-Making. Like many of her siblings, Mnemoli is both confused and delighted with the Aurbis, and explores its five quarters as best she can without the help and regulation of worship, which are not needed (by which I mean, always there) during breakings of the sideways wheel...
- Teachings

Yup, the Memnoli appears when the newly mantled arrive, and Menmoli only appears during a Dragon Broke.

Akatosh doesn't get short circuited though, somebody else is just dictating the pace of time, the name Dragon Broke only describes the apperent result, not the actual event.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 pm

Akatosh doesn't get short circuited though, somebody else is just dictating the pace of time, the name Dragon Broke only describes the apperent result, not the actual event.

He gets incapacitated in some way.

The whole act taking two totally independent (thanks Shezarr) linear timelines and smashing them together puts too much strain on the weakened Akatosh. Because of this, things go haywire until everything can be repaired and brought back to the way it used to be.

Its like a computing error.

Error %#23AR

Timeline 1 Mannimarco = Mortal
Timeline 2 Mannimarco = God


Error Alert!

Timeline 1 Manniamarco = God

It just doesn't compute. Timeline 1 Mannamrco is NOT supposed to be a god. Timline 1 Vehk is NOT supposed to be a god. The timelines are misaligned, they are not orderly. Since Akatosh lives on order, if order breaks so does Akatosh.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 am

I've never understood what Mankar Camoran had against the Mnemoli, or for that matter, what Dagon had against them. They're just free-spirited et'ada correct?
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:45 am

Memory's return commands an "untime" (, in which Alduin eats the world. The Leaper Demon King and the Greedy Man tried to keep this from happening by stockpiling pieces of the world in "crazy" places. The Leaper Demon King and Greedy Man got caught, and Alduin cursed the Leaper Demon King by transforming him into Mehrunes Dagon and binding him into Oblivion. Dagon can only return to his Leaper Demon King form once all of the stockpiled pieces of the world are destroyed, which is why he wanted a "cleansing". Memory (Mnemoli) means that Alduin is coming, and Alduin ALWAYS whoops up on Dagon. (See

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:44 pm

If order breaks so does Akatosh.

Nothing show that. Akatosh is like a metronome, it give rhythm but just because somebody decided to play by his own tune, it won't affect the metronome or the rhythm it's giving. It's shown in the myths that the et'Ada ask or learn about away to live longer and not make mistakes, implicating that each and every et'Ada can choose to die or make mistakes.

That's what the young gods are doing, making mistakes. It shows when there is more then one because they're all doing different things with time but each is only doing so in it's own region. It's how the Tribunal shielded Morrowind from the Dragon Broke, just as each of the Numidia which were being used in different area's.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 pm

Sooner or later you have to put this Dragon Break stuff in article form, Proweler.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:54 pm

It's how the Tribunal shielded Morrowind from the Dragon Broke, just as each of the Numidia which were being used in different area's.

Did they do this willingly, or was Morrowind shielded by virtue of the Tribunal simply being?
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:45 pm

Did they do this willingly, or was Morrowind shielded by virtue of the Tribunal simply being?

Just extrapolating off this:

Mehra Nabisi, Dunmer, Triune Mistress of the New Temple:

"Accounts of the Middle Dawn are the province of the Empire of Men, and proof of the deceit that call themselves the Aedra. Eight stars fell on Tamriel, one for each iniquity that Lorkhan made clear to the world. Veloth read these signs, and he told Boethiah, who confirmed them, and he told Mephala, who made wards against them, and he told Azura, who sent ALMSIVI to steer the True Folk clear of harm. Even the Four Corners of the House of Troubles rose to protect the periphery of your madness. We watched our borders and saw them shift like snakes, and saw you run around in it like the spirits of old, devoid of math, without your if-thens, succumbing to the Ever Now like slaves of the slim folly, stasis. Do not ask us where we were when the Dragon Broke, for, of all the world, only we truly know, and we might just show you how to break it again."

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 am

Nothing show that. Akatosh is like a metronome, it give rhythm but just because somebody decided to play by his own tune, it won't affect the metronome or the rhythm it's giving. It's shown in the myths that the et'Ada ask or learn about away to live longer and not make mistakes, implicating that each and every et'Ada can choose to die or make mistakes.

That's what the young gods are doing, making mistakes. It shows when there is more then one because they're all doing different things with time but each is only doing so in it's own region. It's how the Tribunal shielded Morrowind from the Dragon Broke, just as each of the Numidia which were being used in different area's.

Again, that is really too simplistic. You're not looking at the metaphysical big picture. You're not coming to any logical conclusions, but rather just reading the books. You may be extracting the clues, but you're not connecting it.

Here is what we know:

*Before Mundus time wasn't linear. There were a much of twists and turns and all were connected. The gods could escape death by simply jumping into another time stream where they weren't dead.
*When Mundus became linear, that ceased to be. All those timestreams became separated by big brick walls. There was an obstruction. Because of this, the gods were stuck in whatever timeline they happened to be in.
*Mannimarco, the Tribunes etc all became gods by somehow removing that barrier. They took it apart and found a timeline in which they were gods and were never mortals then merged that timeline with their own.
*This kind of action disrupted the status quo, hence the dragon break. That's why the Jills have to "mend things". There are two universes in place when there only should be one. I can bet that if someone looked hard enough during a dragon break, they could find another version of themselves running around somewhere.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:55 am

You are over thinking it. Big ideas and long metaphysical banter should be avoided as long as there is no reason to use them.

Time is nothing more then the proper ordering of events, each et'Ada has the abbility to control time. At first they did not know this, this is where everybody keeps dying. Then Auri-El comes around and everybody does know how put everything in proper order.

The removal of Alduin as seen in the Aldudaga should be seen as the removal of endless repetition of events as with the creation of Mundus new events are possible.

Mundus having it's own special divinity has it's own control over the flow of time/events, except when a god takes over this control and dictates it's own ordering.

Timelines are an obsolete idea that was thought up when Morrowind came around and the contradicting endings of Daggerfall had to be explained.
However from Warp in the West we know that none of the endings of Daggerfall came completely true, the nations did start conquering each other but their Numidia met and destroyed themselves halfway. Had the Numidia been in different timelines they would have never been able to meet up with each other and there would have been no end to the different timelines as each of them would still be enforcing it.
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