Hi, so, I'm trying to make a mod where the player can use a shout that can usually only be used by NPCs. I've added a script to a piece of clothing that gives you the shout when you equip it, and that works. However, I can't actually use the shout. In game it comes up with a message saying you need to use dragon souls to unlock the words of power. But there aren't any words of power listed, and the option to unlock isn't there. The shout isn't really a proper shout either. It's thought of as a shout by the creation kit, but really it's more of a power, like it doesn't actually have any words to it, just a sound effect when you use it. Basically I'm really stuck on what to do to get it to work. I've tried looking at the topic on the other page by matthiaswagg asking how to create a shout, but it just confused me because my shout isn't a real shout. If that makes any sense.. :S Please let me know what else you need to know to try and help solve my problem, as I'm not sure what else to say now. Thanks in advance