thanks for giving me more motivation to finish this!
vvardenfell is almost 100% done but solstheim & tribunal need some more work, dont expect a release earlier than in a few weeks. i want this to be perfect and will spent lots of time to make sure everything sounds fine. i started this scince skyrim came out, i work realy slow

i will make a video showing off all the features this mod adds, the main features are:
- using the base frame of ASE (only directional sounds (birds,insects,...) and interior weather)
- replaced ALL soundfiles from ASE and Vanilla with high quality sounds (953 files)
- added a variety of 6 sounds for all footsteps, swish sounds, hit sounds and more
- added unique item pickup/drop sounds for many item classes
- added constantly, globaly playing soundloops for interiors (e.g. Windloop for caves)
- added constantly, globaly and randomly playing soundeffects for interiors (e.g. cracking, rumbling, wind gusts, glacier cracking, ...)
- more stuff that i can not remember right now
bethesda forum member Logitech is making the scripts for me and he is doing an awesome job.
Also, your Morrowind setup is really interesting, MGE XE and then just vanilla (with nirnroots) looks really great, very open. Haven't seen that before.
i have the opinion that no single person is able to do as good as the bethesda emloyees did. bethesda had professionaly aducated texture artists and moddelers and there is also some kind of an art director around telling them how they should do their work to keep a consistent look to the whole world. all the replacers are nice high res and all, but they mostly miss important details, dont fit the rest of the graphics and so on.
to me installing texture/mesh replacers is like tuning a mercedes - you must not do it

This is beautiful. The weapon draw sounds and item pickup sounds from vanilla morrowind were in desperate need of replacing. I'm personally emotionally attached to the vanilla dwemer sound effects, but aside from my own preference, yours are very good. I'm a bit confused by the drum sound from hitting people - is that taken from/ inspired by another game that does that? But, amazing work - thank you for sharing this.
i recognised in your videos that you like the dwemer sounds, you can easily replace the sounds you dont like with the vanilla sounds. the critical strike sound is from skyrim.