Also is that "Mountainous Red Mountain" in the background? Or just the same meshes/textures?
Yes, it's Mountainous Red Mountain in the background. Distant land is at around 36 cells, just to give you a measure of the distance.
Wow, those rock stairs look gorgeous! The name is a bit cheesy though...
Thank you! The name is just something temporary until I can come up with a decent name.
I agree with the name being cheesy, but that's just made for wandering around in. My characters would absolutely love it. I can just see standing next to the statue in the first pic and watching the sun rise.
There is plenty of spots to see beautiful scenery around the volcano, inside it and above it. I hope you have many water-breathing potions, and some levitation ones too, because you'll need them.
Hope it has plenty of Centurions wandering around the interiors.

I have yet to see how NPCs/creatures walk/run on the rather bumpy terrain. I'm starting doing the interiors.