Chaka ZG that wood is amazing! Nice job

- show us more!
I'm a very slow modder, so you'll have to wait until I actually make more

but thank you, you guys are boosting my ego

Unbelievable! The wood looks so dark and gloomy, yet warm. Somehow warm...I gotta say that the exit/entry hole thing is EPIC! I love it! I can't wait to see more of this. Who exactly will be inhabiting the wood? Some sort of Sylvan people?
Hehe thanks. This is like uh...remake of the Silvarga wood I was working on some time ago (just as everything else, I was not satisfied with my work back then

hopefully it won't happen to this work as well ), so the story is the same as in old Silvarga forest. Can't find that thread atm, so long story short, in ancient times young wizard did something very wrong, creating a path to the hidden temple by making his way to it by roots and trees. This area is version of that forest, really mutated forest my the magic and stuff, and these interiors are deep somewhere in the middle of those trees (hence such a darkness, and warm gloomy atmosphere, it was just what I was aiming for, and I hope I'm going in the right direction). If anyone even remembers the old thread, the bottom of this wood is where all those crystals of blood are and evil souls roam.
The "epic" hole you see hehe, is one of the exits from the forest that goes to one part of the treetop city (at least by my lore, it hasn't been made yet

) that looks on other region.
Unfortunately neither side of that city is inhabited since all the believers that have seen the evil rotten region across the mountain wall were fooled by evil magics by one of the souls, and they thought it became a promised lands without tide, and they built huge arcs and went that way. However, also fooled by the soul, the tide never came, and while they were floating the water disappeared and the nice look of the neighbor region went with it, and all those arcs fell into the green abyss of the jungle.
However, there were few nonbelievers that still preferred the life in the woods and were outcast, so there will be a village or two among those trees

No idea which race will they be, since I never did a lore about that, but back then when I was making a lore I imagined them all as simple humans, so that's what they probably will be, mostly a combination of non fantasy races ( some combination between bretons, imperials and redguards I suppose).
Wow, and sorry for the wall of text, I tend to get carried away when talking about my lore :whistling: